API runner - RapturePlatform/Rapture GitHub Wiki

Runner API

The Runner api is used to manage application definitions for a Rapture environment that will be started and managed by the RaptureRunner application.


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.createServerGroup(name, description);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_CreateServerGroup(name, description);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Creates a new server group.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
description String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.deleteServerGroup(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_DeleteServerGroup(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Remove a server group (and all of its application definitions )

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<RaptureServerGroup> retVal = runnerApi.getAllServerGroups();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetAllServerGroups();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns all server groups defined in Rapture.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<RaptureApplicationDefinition> retVal = runnerApi.getAllApplicationDefinitions();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetAllApplicationDefinitions();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns a list of all the applications defined in Rapture, which Rapture Runner knows about, including their versions. This is the list of applications that Rapture is aware of, but it does not necessarily run everything. To get a list of what will be running, look at getAllApplicationInstances.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<RaptureLibraryDefinition> retVal = runnerApi.getAllLibraryDefinitions();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetAllLibraryDefinitions();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Get a list of all libraries defined in Rapture. These are also known as Rapture add-ons, or plugins.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<RaptureApplicationInstance> retVal = runnerApi.getAllApplicationInstances();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetAllApplicationInstances();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Retrieves all the application instances defined in Rapture. This is really the list of schedule entries, meaning every application-server group combination that is scheduled to run.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.getServerGroup(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetServerGroup(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Retrieves a server group object, or null if no such object was found.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.addGroupInclusion(name, inclusion);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_AddGroupInclusion(name, inclusion);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Add a server group inclusion. An inclusion is a hostname where this server group should run. By default, this is set to *, which means run everywhere. Adding an inclusion makes it so that this server group will run only on certain servers.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
inclusion String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.removeGroupInclusion(name, inclusion);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RemoveGroupInclusion(name, inclusion);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Removes a server group inclusion. Refer to AddGroupInclusion for more details.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
inclusion String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.addGroupExclusion(name, exclusion);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_AddGroupExclusion(name, exclusion);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Add a server group exclusion. An exclusion is a hostname where this server group should not run. By default, this is set to empty, which means run on every host specified in inclusions. It makes more sense to add an exclusion if this server group has a wildcard (*) for inclusions. See also addGroupInclusion.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
exclusion String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.removeGroupExclusion(name, exclusion);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RemoveGroupExclusion(name, exclusion);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Removes a server group exclusion. Refer to AddGroupExclusion for more details.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
exclusion String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.removeGroupEntry(name, entry);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RemoveGroupEntry(name, entry);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Remove an entry from either an exclusion or inclusion

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
entry String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationDefinition retVal = runnerApi.createApplicationDefinition(name, ver, description);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_CreateApplicationDefinition(name, ver, description);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Creates an application definition.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
ver String
description String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes an application that this Rapture instance recognizes.

Field Type
name String
description String
version String


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.deleteApplicationDefinition(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_DeleteApplicationDefinition(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Delete an application definition (and any references in server groups)

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationDefinition retVal = runnerApi.updateApplicationVersion(name, ver);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_UpdateApplicationVersion(name, ver);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Update a version of an application

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
ver String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes an application that this Rapture instance recognizes.

Field Type
name String
description String
version String


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureLibraryDefinition retVal = runnerApi.createLibraryDefinition(name, ver, description);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_CreateLibraryDefinition(name, ver, description);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Creates an application library. See also getAllLibraryDefinitions.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
ver String
description String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes a third-party library being used in this Rapture instance.

Field Type
name String
description String
version String


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.deleteLibraryDefinition(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_DeleteLibraryDefinition(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Remove a library definition (and any references in server groups)

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureLibraryDefinition retVal = runnerApi.getLibraryDefinition(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetLibraryDefinition(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Retrieve an library definition

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes a third-party library being used in this Rapture instance.

Field Type
name String
description String
version String


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureLibraryDefinition retVal = runnerApi.updateLibraryVersion(name, ver);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_UpdateLibraryVersion(name, ver);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Update a version of a library

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
ver String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes a third-party library being used in this Rapture instance.

Field Type
name String
description String
version String


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.addLibraryToGroup(serverGroup, libraryName);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_AddLibraryToGroup(serverGroup, libraryName);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Associates a library with a server group.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverGroup String
libraryName String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureServerGroup retVal = runnerApi.removeLibraryFromGroup(serverGroup, libraryName);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RemoveLibraryFromGroup(serverGroup, libraryName);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Remove the association between a library and a server group

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverGroup String
libraryName String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Metadata for a Rapture server group.

Field Type
name String
description String
jmxPort Integer
inclusions Set(String)
exclusions Set(String)
libraries Set(String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationInstance retVal = runnerApi.createApplicationInstance(name, description, serverGroup, appName, timeRange, retryCount, parameters, apiUser);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_CreateApplicationInstance(name, description, serverGroup, appName, timeRange, retryCount, parameters, apiUser);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Adds an association between an application and a server group. This is the way to tell Rapture that a certain application needs to run (or be scheduled to run at given hours) as part of a server group.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
description String
serverGroup String
appName String
timeRange String
retryCount int
parameters String
apiUser String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes an active application.

Field Type
name String
appName String
description String
serverGroup String
timeRangeSpecification String
retryCount Integer
parameters String
apiUser String
lockedBy String
oneShot Boolean
finished Boolean
status String
lastStateChange Date


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationStatus retVal = runnerApi.runApplication(appName, queueName, parameterInput, parameterOutput);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RunApplication(appName, queueName, parameterInput, parameterOutput);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Start a batch/single process (ultimately to replace the oneshot calls).

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
appName String
queueName String
parameterInput Map<String,String>
parameterOutput Map<String,String>

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


A complete description of an application's status.

Field Type
appName String
theDate String
instanceId String
overrideApplicationPath String
status RaptureApplicationStatusStep
lastMessage String
messages List(String)
inputConfig Map(String, String)
outputConfig Map(String, String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationStatus retVal = runnerApi.runCustomApplication(appName, queueName, parameterInput, parameterOutput, customApplicationPath);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RunCustomApplication(appName, queueName, parameterInput, parameterOutput, customApplicationPath);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Start a batch/single process (ultimately to replace the oneshot calls)s.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
appName String
queueName String
parameterInput Map<String,String>
parameterOutput Map<String,String>
customApplicationPath String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


A complete description of an application's status.

Field Type
appName String
theDate String
instanceId String
overrideApplicationPath String
status RaptureApplicationStatusStep
lastMessage String
messages List(String)
inputConfig Map(String, String)
outputConfig Map(String, String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationStatus retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationStatus(applicationStatusURI);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationStatus(applicationStatusURI);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns a status object that shows the current state of the app.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
applicationStatusURI String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


A complete description of an application's status.

Field Type
appName String
theDate String
instanceId String
overrideApplicationPath String
status RaptureApplicationStatusStep
lastMessage String
messages List(String)
inputConfig Map(String, String)
outputConfig Map(String, String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<RaptureApplicationStatus> retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationStatuses(date);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationStatuses(date);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Lists the apps that are interesting, given a QBE template (empty strings have default behavior).

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
date String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<String> retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationStatusDates();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationStatusDates();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Lists the dates for which statuses exist.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.archiveApplicationStatuses();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_ArchiveApplicationStatuses();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Tidy up old status invocations

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationStatus retVal = runnerApi.changeApplicationStatus(applicationStatusURI, statusCode, message);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_ChangeApplicationStatus(applicationStatusURI, statusCode, message);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Update the status of an application instance.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
applicationStatusURI String
statusCode RaptureApplicationStatusStep
message String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Takes one of the values in the strings to describe where an Application is in its execution.

Field Type


A complete description of an application's status.

Field Type
appName String
theDate String
instanceId String
overrideApplicationPath String
status RaptureApplicationStatusStep
lastMessage String
messages List(String)
inputConfig Map(String, String)
outputConfig Map(String, String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.recordStatusMessages(applicationStatusURI, messages);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RecordStatusMessages(applicationStatusURI, messages);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Adds messages to a running application instance.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
applicationStatusURI String
messages List

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationStatus retVal = runnerApi.terminateApplication(applicationStatusURI, reasonMessage);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_TerminateApplication(applicationStatusURI, reasonMessage);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Attempts to cancel the execution of an application.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
applicationStatusURI String
reasonMessage String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


A complete description of an application's status.

Field Type
appName String
theDate String
instanceId String
overrideApplicationPath String
status RaptureApplicationStatusStep
lastMessage String
messages List(String)
inputConfig Map(String, String)
outputConfig Map(String, String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.deleteApplicationInstance(name, serverGroup);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_DeleteApplicationInstance(name, serverGroup);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Delete an application instance

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
serverGroup String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationInstance retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationInstance(name, serverGroup);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationInstance(name, serverGroup);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Retrieve an application instance

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
serverGroup String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes an active application.

Field Type
name String
appName String
description String
serverGroup String
timeRangeSpecification String
retryCount Integer
parameters String
apiUser String
lockedBy String
oneShot Boolean
finished Boolean
status String
lastStateChange Date


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.updateStatus(name, serverGroup, myServer, status, finished);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_UpdateStatus(name, serverGroup, myServer, status, finished);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Update the status of a one shot execution, potentially marking it as finished

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
serverGroup String
myServer String
status String
finished boolean

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<String> retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationsForServerGroup(serverGroup);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationsForServerGroup(serverGroup);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns a list of application instance (aka schedule) names that are configured to run as part of a specific server group.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverGroup String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<RaptureApplicationInstance> retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationsForServer(serverName);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationsForServer(serverName);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns a list of applications that should run on a specific host (aka server). Servers are defined in inclusions; see addGroupInclusion for more details. All applications that will run on a given server will be returned. Applications belonging to a server group that includes all servers via the * wildcard will also be returned.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverName String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureApplicationDefinition retVal = runnerApi.getApplicationDefinition(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetApplicationDefinition(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Retrieve an application definition

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Describes an application that this Rapture instance recognizes.

Field Type
name String
description String
version String


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.setRunnerConfig(name, value);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_SetRunnerConfig(name, value);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Set a config variable available in RaptureRunner. The config variables understood are APPSOURCE and MODSOURCE, and they specify the location of the apps and libraries controlled by RaptureRunner.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String
value String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.deleteRunnerConfig(name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_DeleteRunnerConfig(name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Removes a variable from the Runner config.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureRunnerConfig retVal = runnerApi.getRunnerConfig();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetRunnerConfig();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns the RaptureRunnerConfig object, which contains the values of the variables configured via setRunnerConfig.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Config info for the current RaptureRunner implementation.

Field Type
config Map(String, String)


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.recordRunnerStatus(serverName, serverGroup, appInstance, appName, status);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RecordRunnerStatus(serverName, serverGroup, appInstance, appName, status);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Records the status of an application instance by acquiring a lock based on the server name, similar to the behavior of cleanRunnerStatus and markForRestart.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverName String
serverGroup String
appInstance String
appName String
status String

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.recordInstanceCapabilities(serverName, instanceName, capabilities);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_RecordInstanceCapabilities(serverName, instanceName, capabilities);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Each RaptureApplicationInstance has certain capabilities associated with it. These could be queried by other apps if necessary (see getCapabilities). For example, the RaptureAPIServer has a capability to handle api calls, and it posts its api uri, including port, as a capability, that other apps can retrieve if they want to contact the api directly. This method will record capabilities for a given instance.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverName String
instanceName String
capabilities Map<String,Object>

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
Map<String,RaptureInstanceCapabilities> retVal = runnerApi.getCapabilities(serverName, instanceNames);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetCapabilities(serverName, instanceNames);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Returns the capabilities for one or more instance running on the specified host. See also recordInstanceCapabilities.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverName String
instanceNames List

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
List<String> retVal = runnerApi.getRunnerServers();
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetRunnerServers();

Entitlement: /admin/main

Gets a list of all the known server names (aka hostnames). This is determined by finding where a RaptureRunner is currently running or has run in the past and recorded a status (which has not been deleted), whether it be up or down.

Function Parameters

This function takes no parameters.

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
RaptureRunnerStatus retVal = runnerApi.getRunnerStatus(serverName);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_GetRunnerStatus(serverName);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Get a RaptureRunnerStatus object for one specific host, which is a map of the statuses of all instances on a specific host.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverName String

Return value

Type Description
Types used in this function


Contains status info for all instances of RaptureRunner.

Field Type
serverName String
statusByInstanceName Map<String, RaptureRunnerInstanceStatus>


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.cleanRunnerStatus(ageInMinutes);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_CleanRunnerStatus(ageInMinutes);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Cleans out old status information, older than the passed parameter in minutes. It acquires a lock based on the server name, same as recordRunnerStatus and markForRestart.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
ageInMinutes int

Return value

Type Description


HttpRunnerApi runnerApi = new HttpRunnerApi(loginApi);
void retVal = runnerApi.markForRestart(serverName, name);
retVal = baseAPI.doRunner_MarkForRestart(serverName, name);

Entitlement: /admin/main

Marks a running instance as needing reboot. If an application is not found as running on the specified server, nothing is done. This will not start a server that is not running. This acquires a lock based on the server name, same as recordRunnerStatus and cleanRunnerStatus.

Function Parameters

Parameter Type Description
serverName String
name String

Return value

Type Description
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