MumbleInputStream - Rantanen/node-mumble GitHub Wiki


Input stream for sending audio to Mumble.

this: {MumbleInputStream}

new MumbleInputStream(connection, options)


  • connection MumbleConnection - Mumble connection to write to
  • options Object - Stream options.
    • .sampleRate number - Input sample rate. Defaults to 48000.
    • .channels number - Input channels. Defaults to 1.
    • .gain number - Volume multiplier. Defaults to 1.

The stream implements the WritableStream interface.

The input data format can be specified with the constructor options. The final audio will be converted to mono 16-bit PCM at 48 kHz.

Currently the packets are sent to murmur in 10ms packets. The sample rate should be such that it can divide the audio to packets of that size.


Closes the stream


Change the volume multiplier


  • gain number - New gain value.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️