Mumble - Rantanen/node-mumble GitHub Wiki

Require this module by using var Mumble = require('mumble');.

Mumble.connect(url, options, done)

Call this method to open a new Connection.


  • url: The host to connect to. This could for example be "" or "mumble://".
  • options: This is an object holding some options for the connection.
  • options.key: Private key used to create a secure TLS connection. Have a look at the node tls documentation for information on how to generate it.
  • options.cert: Certificate used to create a secure TLS connection. Have a look at the node tls documentation for information on how to generate it.
  • options.celtVersion: Used to specify a specific version of the CELT encoder to use.
  • done: This is a callback which will be called once the connection was set up and is ready for use. It should have the following method signature: function(error, connection) { ... }.