Wonder Trade - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki
Polished Crystal has an offline Wonder Trade, a Gen. VI–VII online feature. (wonder_trade.asm
- You trade a Pokémon through the machine behind the clerk in the center of Goldenrod PCC
- The game loads its level
- The game instantly returns a random Pokémon of the same level under the conditions of the valid level range and form (
- Shininess: 4× chance of getting a Shiny Pokémon (1/1024)
- Abilities: equally possible with the Ability #1, #2, and the Hidden Ability (1/3 chance of each)
- Held items: a chance of a held item, affected by the level; also a slight chance of a rare item (much like Pickup)
- Gender: (for species with both genders) 1/2 chance of male and female, regardless of the gender ratio
- OT: randomly selected from internal lists
Egg-to-Egg Trade
Unlike the main series games, the machine can accept an Egg and return a random Egg.
Caution: There's an oversight where an Egg obtained in this way can enter a battle before hatching as if it had done. It'll be resolved in the future 9-bit Pokémon-ID update.
Unobtainable Species
Wonder Trade cannot send you:
- The Legendaries
- Unown
- Eggs for non-Egg deposits