Updating Polished Crystal and Save Patching - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki

ROM-hack titles get frequent updates by nature. Although in most cases your previous .sav files are still available, updating the .gbc may break previous saves due to the structural changes, requiring save patching. Make sure to always back up your save file before patching/updating.

Caution: .sav is a save file generated by the in-game save, distinct from save states. Refer to your emulator’s manual for the location of .sav. (Some emulators use .srm instead.)

General Instruction

  • Follow the official Polished save patcher if your save file needs patching.
  • Grab the latest release.
  • Make sure that the game and the save (.gbc and .sav) have the same name.
  • Some emulators create save states automatically. Delete them before continuing playing.