Nuzlocke - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki
The Nuzlocke Challenge is a self-imposed challenge common in the online community throughout Pokémon titles.
Important Notice for Nuzlockers
Main article: FAQ § What happened to Nuzlocke Mode?
Nuzlockers are now supposed to track restricted elements by themselves. Polished Crystal hasn't been designed around self-imposed play styles. Happy Nuzlocking!
Cheatsheet for Planning
Main article: FAQ § Is there documentation for all the {Pokémon, items, moves, etc}?
List of Highest Levels
To impose level caps on yourself:
- Falkner: 13
- Bugsy: 17
- Whitney: 21
- Morty: 26
- Chuck: 31
- Jasmine: 37
- Pryce: 42
- Clair: 47
- Elite 4 & Champion: 51, 53, 55, 57, 60
- Lt. Surge: 60
- Sabrina: 62
- Misty: 64
- Erika: 65
- Brock: 65 (pre-evo 68)
- Janine: 66
- Blaine: 69
- Blue: 70
- Elite 4 & Champion after 16 Badges: 70, 72, 74, 76, 80
- Red: 90
- ???: 100
For more spoilers, browse the trainers
directory for the opposing Trainers' teams.