Gift Pokemon - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki
Spoiler alert!
See odd_eggs.asm
for the Odd Egg.
Gift | Location | Notes |
Your Starter | Elm's Lab | Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile |
Togepi Egg | Violet Poké Center | |
Odd Egg | Day Care | A Shiny baby with the Hidden Ability and Dizzy Punch |
Kenya the Spearow | Gate R35/Goldenrod | |
Johto GC Prizes | Goldenrod Game Corner | Abra, Cubone, and Clefairy |
Eevee | Ecruteak Poké Center | Now given from Bill there instead of at his house |
Shuckie the Shuckle | Cianwood | |
Dratini | Dragon's Den | Learns Extreme Speed only after the correct answers |
Tyrogue | Mt. Mortar | Requires Waterfall and a win over the Karate King |
Kanto GC Prizes | Celadon Game Corner | Post-E4; Mr. Mime, Eevee, and Porygon |
Magikarp | Celadon Univ. | Post-E4; learns Dragon Rage |
Lyra's Starter's Egg | Day Care | Post-E4, after winning four Kanto Gyms |
Rival's Starter's Egg | Dragon's Den | Post-E4, after beating him at Mt. Moon |
Kanto Starter | Shamouti Poké Center | Post-E4; Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle |
Kanto Starter | Oak's Lab | Post-E4; a Starter strong against the choice |
Kanto Starter | Indigo Plateau | Post-E4; a Starter weak to the choice |
Special Togepi Egg | Sinjoh Ruins | Post-E4; Shiny, flawless IVs, Hidden Ability, special moves |
In-game Trades
Main database: npc_trades.asm
Guaranteed to have the Hidden Ability and 14 IVs.
Location | Player's | NPC's | Nickname | Nature | Held Item | Ball | OT | OTID |
Violet | Poliwag | Voltorb | Mimic | Hasty | Persim Berry | Premier | Kyle | 48926 |
Goldenrod Dept. | Abra | Machop ♀️ | Muscle | Adamant | Sitrus Berry | Level | Mike | 37640 |
Goldenrod Harbor | Tentacool | Grimer ♀️ | Gail | Careful | Eviolite | Lure | Jacques | 50082 |
Ecruteak | Farfetch'd | Doduo ♂️ | Clarence | Hasty | Gold Leaf | Fast | Hari | 43972 |
Olivine | Steelix | Kangaskhan ♀️ | Joey | Brave | Silk Scarf | Heavy | Tim | 29189 |
Blackthorn | Jynx | Mr. Mime ♀️ | Doris | Timid | Pink Bow | Love | Emy | 00283 |
Pewter | Pinsir | Heracross ♂️ | Paul | Jolly | Silver Powder | Park | Chris | 15616 |
R14 | Wobbuffet | Chansey ♀️ | Chance | Calm | Lucky Egg | Heal | Kim | 26491 |
A trade where you'll receive Galarian Weezing will be added soon™️