Exercise : 0 Pre‐requisite setup - Raneesh02/ref_workshop_2 GitHub Wiki

Pre-requisite Setup for QA Infrastructure Workshop

Step 1: Create a github account and Follow the steps for local execution using readme

Signup for a GitHub account https://github.com/signup

Follow the readme present at : https://github.com/Raneesh02/selgrid_kube_aws_oct

Step 3: Install Docker

  1. Docker needs to be installed and working

Install docker https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/

if facing, virtualisation issues refer : https://support.hp.com/in-en/document/ish_5637142-5637191-16

  1. After installation, verify Docker is installed correctly by running: docker --version

You should see the Docker version in the output.

Step 4: Enable Kubernetes for docker desktop

  1. Open Docker Desktop:

    • Launch Docker Desktop from your applications.
  2. Enable Kubernetes:

    • Click on the Docker Desktop icon in your system tray.
    • Navigate to the Settings or Preferences menu.
    • Select the Kubernetes tab from the left sidebar.
    • Check the box that says Enable Kubernetes.
    • Click Apply & Restart to start Kubernetes.
  3. Verify Kubernetes is Running:

    • Open a terminal and run the following command to check the status of Kubernetes:
      kubectl cluster-info
    • If Kubernetes is running correctly, you should see output similar to:
      Kubernetes control plane is running at https://localhost:6443
      CoreDNS is running at https://localhost:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
  4. Check Nodes Status:

    • Ensure that your Kubernetes node is ready by running:
      kubectl get nodes
    • You should see something like:
      NAME             STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
      docker-desktop   Ready    control-plane   10m   v1.25.4

Caution: Below Step will cost you real money. Not that much though. if you stop an instance within an hour , it will cost less than a dollar

Step 5: Working AWS Account with Access Keys

  1. Ensure you have an active AWS account. If you don’t have one, sign up at:

  2. See that you can at-least run a EC2 instance machine https://appinventiv.com/blog/steps-to-launch-aws-ec2-instance/

Please note to stop the instance to save money

  1. Generate AWS access keys by following the instructions: