Welcome to Universe Object Library! - RandomCatGit/Universe-Object-Library GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the UOL wiki!
What is it?
Universe Object Library is an open source project aimed at creating the biggest open source repository of all the objects that exist in the universe (We called it Real World Object or RWO for short to avoid getting it confused with actual objects). Anyone can create a new Java class with the name of the object and merge it with the project, making this one of the world's largest authored repository in the future. Users can use the existing classes anytime to create an instance of the object under study.
Why library of the universe?
This is a small idea we had when we were discussing how far we could stretch the concept of Object Orientation Programming (OOP) paradigm; literally. Of course lexical ambiguity and contextual misunderstanding of objects is possible but we will try to solve them by generating definitive guidelines for maintaining a clean library of these Real World Objects.
Project nature
The project is Maven built and uses Lombok (See Project Lombok) to avoid boilerplate code. Directory structure is owner managed and each new addition to the project requires raising an issue.
Ok. Where do I sign?
First things first. We define the rules to be followed here to keep the library at its best. You can get a glance of what the Javaverse RWO is all about in the sample gist.