2.2 Buttons - Randev-ar/random-style GitHub Wiki

To use our styles in your buttons it is important that you know the classes predefined by us.


You can choose between buttons with effects and without them. To do so:

"boton--e" -> button with effects. Select your chosen effect with the class "e--N" (where N is a number from 1 to 6).

"boton" -> button without effects


You can choose the color of the effect with the "e-color--x" class (where "x" is a color from our color list defined in variables. And of course to choose the background color we will use the class "bg-color--x" (where x is the color of our pre-declared list).



gif de ejemplo buttons
    <button class='boton--e e--1 e-color--secondary bg-color--primary'>
        <span> boton--e e--1 </span>    


gif de ejemplo buttons
    <button class='boton--e e--2 e-color--secondary bg-color--primary'>
        <span> boton--e e--2 </span>    


gif de ejemplo buttons
    <button class='boton--e e--3 e-color--secondary bg-color--primary'>
        <span> boton--e e--3 </span>    


gif de ejemplo buttons
    <button class='boton--e e--4 e-color--secondary bg-color--primary'>
        <span> boton--e e--4 </span>    
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