List of papers - RandMatrxSummer/Seminar-Material GitHub Wiki
List of papers to cover
Absolutely continuous spectrum for RSO on graphs
Bordenave - [Quantum percolation on finite regular graphs] (
Keller - [AC spectrum of Multitype Galton Watson trees] (
Klein - [Extended states of Anderson model on Bethe lattice] (
Bourgain, Klein - [Bounds on the density of states for Schrodinger operators] (
Shape of eigenvectors of RRG
Elon - [Eigenvector of discrete Laplacian on regular graphs - a statistical approach] (
Brooks, Le Masson, Lindenstrauss - [Quantum ergodicity and averaging operators on the sphere] (
Brooks, Lindenstrauss - [Non-localization of eigenfunctions on large regular graphs] (
Anantharaman, Le Masson - [Quantum ergodicity on large regular graphs] (
Anantharaman, Backer - [Quantum ergodicuty and beyond (survey + figures)] (