How to translate LibreCAD - Rallaz/LibreCAD GitHub Wiki

Translators, feel free to update, improve, or translate this page!

LibreCAD uses Pootle to translate LibreCAD. You can find the server at

A great introduction is at this link: just replace the word "Zentyal" with "LibreCAD"! There is also help in several languages on our server.

Anyone that goes to the page can suggest a translation, but if you'd like to review suggestions or officially submit translations for a language, please contact the developers on the mailing list (when it's started) or directly: Ries van Twisk (librecad AT or Scott Howard (showard We can give you permission on the server to official submit.

For those that use QT Linguist (download), feed free to download the .ts file, work on it, and upload it back to the server using the web interface. Please make sure to choose "merge" your translations instead of overwrite in case someone added a translation to a part of the program you didn't work on.

If you'd like to add a new language to our translation database, please contact the developers on the mailing list (when it's started) or directly: Ries van Twisk .