Settings Trees - RakambdaOrg/FallingTree GitHub Wiki

Name Description

Allowed logs

Allows you to define a list of allowed blocks that are considered as logs by the mod. By default, every block tagged as #minecraft/logs (Minecraft Wiki) will be recognized by default. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to add it yourself or ask the mod author to tag its blocks accordingly.

This will only add values in allow list on top of the already existing default recognized blocks, if you need to exclude logs look for the Denied logs.

The list will contain values under the minecraft resource location format :

  • modid:blockid for a block (eg: minecraft:cobblestone).

You can find this info by enabling detailed info on blocks by pressing F3 + H and hover the block in your inventory.
  • #modid:tagid for a tag of blocks (eg: #minecraft:planks). To know the values you can look at the Minecraft Wiki for Minecraft tags, or look into the documentation of a mod.

Denied logs

This works similarly to the Allowed logs section except that here you define blocks that will never be considered as logs by the mod.

Deny list takes over the values defined in allow list. So if you defined the same block in allow and deny lists it’ll end up denied.

Allowed leaves

Allows you to define a list of allowed blocks that are considered as leaves by the mod. By default, every block tagged as #minecraft/leaves (Minecraft Wiki) will be recognized by default. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to add it yourself or ask the mod author to tag its blocks accordingly.

This will only add values in allow list on top of the already existing default recognized blocks, if you need to exclude leaves look for the Denied leaves.

The list will contain values under the minecraft resource location format :

  • modid:blockid for a block (eg: minecraft:cobblestone).

You can find this info by enabling detailed info on blocks by pressing F3 + H and hover the block in your inventory.
  • #modid:tagid for a tag of blocks (eg: #minecraft:planks). To know the values you can look at the Minecraft Wiki for Minecraft tags, or look into the documentation of a mod.

Allowed leaves (needs breaking)

This is similar to Allowed leaves except that here you define values of leaves that needs to be broken because they do not decay over time. This would for example be the case fot the nether trees that got warts as leaves, and it doesn’t decay.

Denied leaves

This works similarly to the Denied leaves section except that here you define blocks that will never be considered as leaves by the mod.

Deny list takes over the values defined in allow list. So if you defined the same block in allow and deny lists it’ll end up denied.

Break mode

Defines how the tree will be cut when you chop down one of its logs.

In the screenshots the axe indicates where the tree is being cut by you.
  • INSTANTANEOUS: The whole tree will be chopped at once. break mode instantaneous

  • FALL_ITEM: Same as INSTANTANEOUS but blocks will look like falling on the ground. Best used with break_order=LOWEST_FIRST.

  • FALL_BLOCK: Same as INSTANTANEOUS but blocks will fall on the ground and not all will be broken, leaves will drop as items. Best used with break_order=LOWEST_FIRST.

  • FALL_ALL_BLOCK: Same as INSTANTANEOUS but logs will fall on the ground and not all will be broken. Best used with break_order=LOWEST_FIRST.

  • SHIFT_DOWN: The furthest log will be broken. This allows you to still cut the tree one by one, but you don’t have to climb to get all the logs; just aim at one spot and cut it multiple times. break mode shift down

Those modes are conditioned by Detection mode.

Detection mode

Defines how the tree is being scanned.

In the screenshots the axe indicates where the tree is being cut by you, and the red signs indicates the logs that WON’T be broken.
  • WHOLE_TREE: The whole tree will be scanned, searching in all 6 directions. detection mode whole tree

  • ABOVE_CUT: Will search in all directions except at the cutting point where it’ll only look up. detection mode above cut

  • ABOVE_Y: Will search in all directions but retain only logs with a y value greater than the cutting point. detection mode above y

Max scan size

The maximum number of blocks to scan when trying to detect a tree. If there’s more than this value the tree won’t be cut.

Max (break) size

The maximum size of a tree. If a tree with more elements than this value is attempted to be cut, the mod will refuse to do it.

Only applied in Instantaneous breaking mode.

Max size action

What to do when the max size of a tree is reached.

  • ABORT: Tree won’t be cut.

  • CUT: Tree will still be cut leaving some of it untouched.

Maximum leaf distance from log

The maximum distance a leaf can be from the tree. This only affects scanning a tree.

Max size order

In what order logs are broken.

This only makes sense if maxSize < maxScanSize.

  • FURTHEST_FIRST: The furthest log will be broken first.

  • CLOSEST_FIRST: The closest log will be broken first.

  • LOWEST_FIRST: The lowest log will be broken first.

Only applied in Instantaneous breaking mode.

Minimum leaves around required

Defines how many leaves should be around the top most log of the tree. If not enough leaves are found, then the broken block won’t be considered as part of a tree.

This value can be useful for people that have houses made of logs and doesn’t want to chop it all down in one cut.

Only applied in Instantaneous breaking mode.

Include persistent leaves in required count

If this is true leaves with the persistent flag (player placed or sheared) will be counted in the minimum leaves required counter. Otherwise, they won’t.

Trunk breaking

Defines if the mod should cut trees in one cut.

  • Yes: Trees will be cut.

  • No: Trees won’t be cut and only the leaf decay will remain (if activated by Leaves breaking).

Leaves breaking

Define if leaves should decay faster than they normally do.

  • Yes: Leaves will decay faster.

  • No: Leaves will decay at the normal speed.

Leaves breaking force radius

If you want leaves to be broken (and no decayed) by the mod, you can define a radius around which leaves are broken.

I highly discourage using this feature as it’ll cut leaves in a not so elegant way. You should probably first try to add the problematic leaves in Allowed leaves (needs breaking).

This will break leaves placed by a player.
Leaves breaking must be activated. NOTE: This only works in the Instantaneous breaking mode.

Allow trunks with mixed log blocks

Defines if a tree can be composed of different log types or not.

  • No: If another log block is encountered it is considered as another tree and therefore won’t be cut.

  • Yes: If another log block is encountered it is considered as the same tree and will be cut.

Break nether tree warts

Defines if the nether tree warts should be broken when the trunk is cut.

  • Yes: Warts will be cut.

Durability will be used
The warts don’t decay, so they will be broken with a predefined radius which may leave things a bit ugly if you cut nether trees that are close to each other.

Instantly break nether tree warts

When set to true nether tree warts (leaves) will be broken with only one hit.

Only applied in Shift down breaking mode.

Break mangrove roots

Defines if the mangrove roots should be broken when the trunk is cut.

  • Yes: Mangrove roots will be cut.

Durability will be used

Search area radius

Defines the radius in which the tree is scanned.

  • If set to -1 then no restrictions will be applied.

  • If set to any other value (a) then only blocks that are in a square of a x a around the cutting point will be kept.

Adjacent blocks allowed

Defines a list of blocks that are allowed to be next to the trunk. If a block that isn’t allowed is encountered, the behavior defined in Adjacent stop mode will be applied.

If the list is empty, then no restrictions will be applied (ie: all blocks are allowed).

The list will contain values under the minecraft resource location format :

  • modid:blockid for a block (eg: minecraft:cobblestone).

You can find this info by enabling detailed info on blocks by pressing F3 + H and hover the block in your inventory.
  • #modid:tagid for a tag of blocks (eg: #minecraft:planks). To know the values you can look at the Minecraft Wiki for Minecraft tags, or look into the documentation of a mod.

Adjacent stop mode

Defines the behavior to apply when a not allowed adjacent block is found.

  • Stop all: The detection will be stopped and no tree will be found.

  • Stop branch: Only the current branch will be stopped (ie: no logs will be fetched from that block)

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