Database Refactoring Tables Schema - RajaniMukkamala/SaiEkata_AdminPortal_MVC GitHub Wiki

Tables Schema

1. Countries : This table contains the list of Countries This table contains the list of Countries.

ColumnName DataType Remarks
CountryId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

2. States : This table contains the list of States associated with Country

ColumnName DataType Remarks
StateId Int (pk)
CountryId Int (fk) Referred from Countries Table
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

3. Districts : This table contains the list of Districts associated with States

ColumnName DataType Remarks
DistrictId Int (pk)
StateId Int (fk) Referred from States Table
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

4. Samitis : This table contains the list of Samitis associated with District

ColumnName DataType Remarks
SamitiId Int (pk)
DistrictId Int (fk) Referred from Districts Table
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

5. Languages : This table contains the list of Languages

ColumnName DataType Remarks
LanguageId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

6. Occupations : This table contains the list of Occupations

ColumnName DataType Remarks
OccupationId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

7. Education : This table contains the list of Education

ColumnName DataType Remarks
EducationId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

8. Skills : This table contains the list of Skills

ColumnName DataType Remarks
SkillId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

9. InterestArea : This table contains the list of InterestArea

ColumnName DataType Remarks
InterestAreaId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

10. Bhajans : This table contains the list of Bhajans

ColumnName DataType Remarks
BhajanId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

11. Roles : This table contains the list of Roles

ColumnName DataType Remarks
RolesId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

12. EventTypes : This table contains the list of EventTypes

ColumnName DataType Remarks
EventTypesId Int (pk)
Name varchar(100)
IsActive bit

12. AgeRanges : This table contains the AgeRanges

ColumnName DataType Remarks
AgeRangeId Int (pk)
Description varchar(100)
MinAge Int
MaxAge Int
IsActive bit

**13. Members ** : This table contains information of the Users

ColumnName DataType Remarks
MemberId bigint(20) Sno from old Table
FirstName varchar(50)
MiddleName varchar(30)
LastName varchar(50)
Address varchar(255)
City varchar(50)
DistrictId Int
PostalCode varchar(10)
HomePhone varchar(15)
WorkPhone varchar(15)
MobilePhone varchar(15)
EmailAddress varchar(50)
Gender tinyint(1)
StatusId Int
parent_sno bigint(20)
gcm_id varchar(250)
AgeRangeId int
BirthDay int
BirthMonth int
HashedPassword varchar(250)
SaltPassword varchar(250)
CreatedDate DateTime
ModifiedDate DateTime
ModifiedBy bigint(20)