Background - RainfallNZ/CASM_Southland GitHub Wiki


The Contaminant Allocation and Simulation Model (CASM) has been selected for use to help Environment Southland understand possible impacts of rules and policies on water quality.
CASM is a model provided by Dr Tim Cox at Streamlined Environmental.
CASM enables balancing the contaminant budget across an area. The inputs are point contaminant loads, diffuse contaminant loads and contaminant measurements. The contaminant budget is balanced by adjusting the attenuation of the contaminants. Once attenuations are estimated, they may be used for different diffuse and point load scenarios to see how the the contaminant loads in rivers might change.
CASM requires measurement, point load, diffuse load and scenario data to be provided.
The scripts associated with this github project enable that data pre-processing.
Additional data exploration and presentation services are also provided to meet requests as they occur.