FileFormats SOBMesh - RainbowRedux/RainbowWiki GitHub Wiki
Status: Mostly Complete, minor tweaks required
Supported Versions: 0, 1, 2
SOB files store static meshes. Much of the format is documented here SOB File Format. Minor differences may appear in my converters.
- Blender does not like importing normals as far as I have read, so the blender importer does not import normals.
- OBJ files do not support vertex colors, so vertex colors are dropped in that format.
- OBJ files currently don't output any material information.
- Blenders material definitions are almost complete, but some information is not setup. Mostly I expect the target engine to recreate materials from the output JSON file.
- Alpha parameter in material definition needs to be confirmed
- Blender usage instructions coming later, when I am more familiar with Blender, especially knowing how to properly package & distribute a plugin.