20190218 Goals - RailsGirlsCPH/mentor-mentee-platform GitHub Wiki
Goals for first iteration of the app. What's the smallest working example we can make that we can still get feedback from users from?
- Make Rails app with front page
- Create form for users to register
- set up PostgreSQL DB to collect that data (GraphQL as learning goal/option)
- Create login feature
- Test every new thing we learn, RSpec
- HTML/CSS, Sass, CSS-methodology: BEM/SMACSS (perhaps flexbox/grid)
- CSS framework: none
- JS framework Vue
- Test every new thing we learn, Jest
- Links from main page for two views: one for each kind of user
- A view with two list of users with contact info (mock users perhaps)
- A form to sign up
- Github issues, github board, github wiki
- Get more people to fill out survey
- Map out the data, define use cases in github board
- Present results
- Frontend and backend groups work together to make a view page
- Test and get feedback from real users