Home - RailsGirlsCPH/mentor-mentee-platform GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the mentor-mentee-platform wiki!

Aim of the project

Learn a lot while creating a real-world product

Technology stack

Backend: Rails + PostgreSQL + RSpec

Frontend: HTML, Sass with BEM/SMACSS, Vue, Jest

Git Guidelines

  1. Always pull the code before you push/start working with command git pull (from your master branch) and then merge it with your branch with commands (from your branch) git merge master . In this step there is a chance of getting conflicts. (please write here if you cannot resolve. So you can get help from others)
  2. Always run npm i after git pull , in case if some one has added some dependencies in the project.
  3. Always create new branch every time you start new functionality and name it that represents same functionality you are working in that branch with command git branch <branch name> and to get into the branch git checkout <branchname> . Then implement your fuctionality in your branch then Pull->then resolve conflicts ->then commit -> push your branch to github with command git push origin <branchname> (from your branch). Now you need to pull request , This means you are requesting to merge your code to the master.( this is done in git hub page not from terminal).

Development practices

  • We write tests for every new thing
  • We would like a platform that is easy to navigate in, so that users don't get lost.
  • ...
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