User mac setup - RailsBank/dotfiles GitHub Wiki

Setup Mac for user

  1. Create user account for main user (firstname). SysPrefs/Users & Groups then click 🔒at bottom left. Make an admin. Set initial password and remember this.

  2. Login as user (takes a bit of time). Skip Apple account setup.

  3. Open this page in Chrome… ( -- step 3)

  4. Start Terminal/iTerm (Cmd-Space) and copy and paste

    1. cd ~/Downloads && curl -o ~/Downloads/macos
    2. chmod 755 ~/Downloads/macos
    3. ~/Downloads/macos (follow the script prompts)
  5. Install Homebrew /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  6. Update dock settings SysPrefs/Dock (Switch off 'automatically hide')

  7. Update international settings SysPrefs/Language & Region/Advanced (metric, short date, en-gb)

  8. Set screensaver (SysPrefs/Desktop & Screensaver) to lock after 5 mins and require password

  9. Set Nightmode SysPrefs -> Display -> Night Shift

  10. Set screen to lock by CmdL --

  11. Set-up global .gitignore: (download and save as ~/.gitignore)

With colleague, after they sign-in to Chrome… install these extensions chrome://extensions

  1. Ghostery (default to block new, no purple notifications, annoying things off)
  2. LastPass
  3. AdBlock Plus
  4. OneTab?
  5. JSON Viewer
  6. Gmail syntax highlighting
  7. MultiPass for HTTP basic authentication