Brew Install - RailsBank/dotfiles GitHub Wiki
If the machine is likely to be used by multiple people, it's easiest to create a new Homebrew
admin user, so others can sudo su homebrew
and brew install
that way.
If the machine will just have one user (apart from the Railsbank
one), don't bother with the steps of creating a new user.
TODO: We should probably maintain an aliases/wrapper script to do this (or setuid program)?
Let's get installing though. First time this runs may take some time to download command line tools.
become the homebrew user:
sudo su homebrew
brew cask install java
the rest
brew install \
ack asciinema bash bash-completion bash-git-prompt cloc \
clojure coreutils cowsay curl dos2unix figlet findutils \
fortune gawk gist git git-flow gnu-sed gnu-tar highlight jq \
leiningen lolcat markdown node ponysay python readline ruby \
shellcheck thefuck tree wget
brew tap jesseduffield/lazygit
brew install lazygit
Add SourceCodePro from
npm installs:
npm install --global json-2-csv
npm install --global csv2json
npm install -g json2csv
And setup Atom as default editor
sudo su homebrew
brew install duti
duti -s com.github.atom public.plain-text all