[GitHub Branch Protector] Install and start the API. - RahulMR42/GITHub-Branch-Protector GitHub Wiki
:clipboard: Follow below to bring up the API .
- The API is powered by FAST API and Uvicorn- Asynchronous API Gateway.
- Since its using Uvicorn it can be easily made it as https ,scale with multiple workers.
- Fast APIs brings effective improvement and speed in the REST API .
:ledger: Procedure to run the API
- Clone the repo.
$ git clone https://github.com/RahulMR42/GITHub-Branch-Protector
- Install python pipenv and dependecies.
$ cd GITHub-Branch-Protector $ pip install pipenv $ pipenv sync -d .
- Set below OS variables to authorize to the Git HUB repo .
git_user : (Git Hub User name )
git_pat : (Git Hub Personal Access Token)
:cookie: Validate the specificities
- By default it works for branch main ,but it can be override by setting the values.
- Similarly we can add additional branch protection rules and specificities .
- These changes need to be done inside the file GITHub-Branch-Protector/resources/repo_event_handler.py
class git_repo():
def __init__(self):
self.branch_to_protect="main" ====> Change this value to another branch name
self.branch_protection_rules=branch_protection = {
"required_status_checks": {"strict": True, "contexts": ["default"]},
"enforce_admins": False,
"required_pull_request_reviews": {
"dismissal_restrictions": {
"users": ['user1'], ==> You can add list of users to be part of dismissal restrictions.
"teams": ['myteam1'] ==>You can list of teams to be part of dismissal restrictions
"dismiss_stale_reviews": True,
"require_code_owner_reviews": True,
#"required_approving_review_count": 2
"restrictions": None,
:stars: Now start the application
pipenv run uvicorn app:app --reload
- It will start the API with default port 8000 and can be viewed using browser as http://localhost:8000/docs
- If you are using a custom port the app can started Ngrok with the custom ports as below
pipenv run uvicorn app:app --reload --port <custom port>
- Refer FAST API and Uvicorn official link given at the beginning of document for more features and making is with scalable workers or HTTPS etc.