[GitHub Branch Protector] Create GIT HUB WebHook - RahulMR42/GITHub-Branch-Protector GitHub Wiki

:bookmark_tabs: Create your web hook.

  • Open the Git Hub Organization.
  • Click on Settings>Webhooks>Add Webhook

  • Ensure to add the payload with the http forwarding address followed by the route.
example # http://c99a48fdfeb1.ngrok.io/repoevent


  • By default we are enabling webhook for all the events but you can customize and add it only for repo using the GIT HUB UI_Let me select individual events._ option.
  • At this stage as the API is not started you will get 502 bad gatway errors on ngrok console. This can be discarded safely.
  • Please read ngrok official documentation to know the limitations if you are using an opensource version to understand its limit/expiry time.