DWOA 2015 16 - RahulGunkar/Heart-Beat-Sensor GitHub Wiki
DWOA 2015-16 projects:- Heart Beat Monitor
What is heart Beat Monitor? Heart beat monitor is a heart beat measuring device which measures heart beat per minute using pulses of your finger tips.
Description: - This device was built using avr Atmega32 to measure the heart beat by using fingertip , using simple electronics components . we keep our finger tip on optical sensor, when our heart beats,blood intensity increases in our finger tip hence more reflected light falls on photo-diode giving us some voltage which we can give across some resistance and use that voltage to calculate Heart Beat.I had used USART and had shown the output on laptop’s monitor using a COM port software called X_CTU. . However we can use LCD /seven segment to display the heartbeat.
Problems Faced:-The most challenging problem was to set the accuracy…the accuracy was very less due to the poor hardware.. Hardware requires a robustly built and sturdily done soldering …PCB is preferred over GCB but that isn’t possible in first year so we will go for GCB. Also the good quality optical sensor is preferred.
Improvements to be done :-We can improve its user interface and display the heart beat at LCD screen.
Components required : - ATmega32,IR LED, photo diode,LM324 op-amp, 1k-ohm resistance,100k-ohm resistance,led,16*2 LCD,GCB,wires,7805 voltage regulator,battery,push bottons,switch,potentiometer etc.
Difficulty level - Medium
Skills required:- Intermediate C/C++ programming Familiar with AVR Good soldering skills High Patience
Rahul Gunkar mobile -9712761520
[email protected]
Ravi Jain mobile -9913483694
[email protected]