DiceGame - Rahul168Chavan/DiceGame GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the DiceGame wiki!

This Game can be played between 4 friends or group of 4.

How does it work

  • On the page load it will ask for the game Point, where you can enter any number and the person/group who reaches the number first then that person/group will win.

  • Click on the New game and enter the Game Point.

  • After enter the Game Point, it will ask for the name of 4 person/group. Please enter the names.

  • Click on the Roll dice then the dice will be roll and will give a number.

  • If you get one then you will lose your change and the dice will be passed to the next person.

  • you can roll dice any number of time but if you get one you will loss your chance and you also loss your current score.

  • If you are doubt that you will one on you next roll then you can click on hold button.

  • If you click on hold a question will get popup and if you anwser a question then current score will get added to total score.

Here is the Sample Gif for you how does it work. ezgif com-optimize