3. Using The ROS Workspace - Rafcin/TrekBot GitHub Wiki

When working with the ROS Workspace, you need to do a few things to operate it correctly, below are written the commands you should memorize or key bind, and other instruction useful to the work space.


When you open a new terminal, it's important to source the setup files in the work space because they allow you to run the packages you either installed or recompiled.

Once you run catkin_make you need to run source devel/setup.bash and source install_isolated/setup.bash this will allow ROS to see the packages.

Running A Package

In the ros work space you can run any package at any time as long as it is sourced, most packages do not require other packages to be launched unless you specify it, i.e you can run .../ZED_Wrapper by itself and you don't need to run something like Cartographer unless you have a custom launch file that requires both of the packages to be launched.

To run packages you can simply do roslaunch {package name} {launch file} and it will launch. Example: roslaunch zed_display_rviz display.launch

Running A Package W/ RVIZ

Now running packages with RVIZ will let you view the packages.

What is RVIZ?

RVIZ is the menu that allows you to display the packages, edit things about the, and map them with other packages, RVIZ is mainly used to visualize stuff such as the depth map, moving parts, and the map.

To launch RVIZ, simply run rosrun rviz rviz


In the RVIZ menu you can add objects from the launched packages such as the zed camera odom or the pointcloud information.