2. Working with Catkin Work Spaces - Rafcin/TrekBot GitHub Wiki

There are a few basic things to know before working on the project, when you start to work in the catkin work space, you have to follow certain procedures when installing or modifying files.

  1. When you add new packages such as a motor controller or a mapping package, you have to run catkin_make this will rebuild the work space and install the packages and fix all path issues. WARNING if you receive a build error, check if it has missing packages, 99% of the catkin errors you get result in missing packages, and all packages can be found at the ROS wiki page because all packages have existing pages with the git links you need to clone them. Cartographer Wiki
  2. When you open a new console in a work space, you need to run source devel/setup.bash this needs to run every time you open a new console and when you rebuild the work space.