3. How to start - Rafal-Laskowski/Metalloid-WebDriver-Pool GitHub Wiki

Metalloid-WebDriver-Pool is driven by properties. Most of us set them in maven-surefire-plugin but there are multiple ways on handling that.

  1. Property browser.name tells Metalloid-WebDriver-Pool which browser you want to run. Possible options are:
  • chrome
  • ff
  • firefox
  • ie
  • internet explorer
  • edge
  1. You still need to set webdriver.chrome.driver (or similar) property to point out location of the driver.
  2. close.browser.by.default allows you automatically invoke driver.quit() after each test. Possible options are:
  • true
  • false

Just keep in mind, that if you set this value to false you should close the driver by yourself. To close the driver just use WebDriverPool.closeSession(). Metalloid-WebDriver-Pool will figure out which driver you want to close by itself :)

  1. window.size tells Metalloid-WebDriver-Pool to what size do you want to set created browsers. Possible options:
  • maximized
  • ????x???? where ? is any number. Example: 1920x1860
  1. hub.url need to be provided if you want to run the tests against Selenium Grid
  2. headless - self-explanatory
  3. browser.type tells Metalloid-WebDriver-Pool if you run the tests on your local machine or do you use Selenium Grid Possible values:
  • local
  • remote

So, if you want to simply run Chrome browser on your local computer, without specifying any additional options you just need to set:

  • browser.name to chrome
  • webdriver.chrome.driver property
  • (Optional) close.browser.by.default to true
  • (Optional) window.size to maximized
  • (Optional) headless to true