Wiremod - RafaelDeJongh/cap GitHub Wiki
In this section you will find information about wiremod inputs and outputs on some cap devices. Information about wiremod expression2 functions you can look here, about chips here.
- Stargates
- DHD's (Dial Home Devices)
- Stargate Iris
- Stargate Iris Computer
Dial Address | Dial address by old method, (for example - with wired keyboard). |
Dial String [STRING] | Set address what you want to dial (string). |
Dial Mode | Set dialling mode, slow/fast/nox - 0/1/2. |
Start String Dial | Start dialling with current dial string value and dial mode. |
Close | Closes stargate or abort dialling. |
Disable Autoclose | Disable auto-close stargate after passing through them. |
Set Point of Origin | force set point of origin for stargate (without depending is there dhd or not), 1 - earth, 2 - abydos. Note: stargate universe, atlantis and supergate don't have this input. Also for orlin and tollan stargates we can see different only on vgui menu or with e2 screens. |
Disable Menu | Disables stargate dial menu. |
Transmit [STRING] | Transmit some value to target stargate. |
Activate chevron numbers [STRING] | Specify a string with the activation of all chevrons (active or not), this field can be used to activate the chevrons with e2 in various combinations. Note: Supergate, orlin and universe stargates don't have this input. |
Active | Returns 1 when gate activated. |
Open | Returns 1 when gate is open. |
Inbound | Returns 1 when gate has inbound connection. Note: orlin gate do not have this output. |
Chevron | Return value with number of activated chevrons. Note: supergate do not have this output. |
Chevron Locked | Return 1 if this is last chevron and it locked. Note: supergate do not have this output. |
Chevrons [STRING] | Return string with status of all chevrons (activated or not), this field should be used for a visual indicator of chevrons activation with e2. Note: Supergate, orlin and universe stargates don't have this output. |
Earth Point of Origin | Return 1 if will be used earth point of origin (for e2 screens). Note: stargate universe, atlantis and supergate don't have this output. |
Dialing Address [STRING] | Return current dialling (outbound) or dialled (inbound) address. |
Dialing Mode | Return dialling mode (not active/slow/fast/nox - -1/0/1/2). Inbound always shows as fast. |
Dialing Symbol [STRING] | Return current dialling symbol, only has an effect in outbound dialling. Note: Supergate and orlin stargates don't have this output. |
Dialed Symbol [STRING] | Return current dialled symbol (what locked on chevron). Note: Supergate and orlin stargates don't have this output. |
Received [STRING] | Return value what received from target gate (Transmit). |
Rotate Ring | Run the rotation of the ring. Modes: 1 - rotate every time in new direction. 2 - rotate clockwise. 3 - rotate counterclockwise. |
Ring Speed Mode | Set ring speed mode, 0 (default) = 50%, -1 = 25%, 1 = 100% (normal), 2 = 150%, 3 = 200%. Only works with Rotate Ring input. |
Chevron Encode | Encode chevron with current symbol on ring. |
Chevron 7 Lock | Lock Chevron 7 with current symbol on ring and open gate if all correct. |
Encode Symbol [STRING] | Similar to Chevron Encode, but it will automatically rotate ring, then stop with entered symbol and encode chevron. |
Lock Symbol [STRING] | Similar to Chevron 7 Lock, but it will automatically rotate ring, then stop with entered symbol and lock last chevron. |
SGC Type | Set SGC Type, will be different sounds, chev7 lock animation and different inbound sequence. Note: this input can be saved with gatespawner. |
Ring Symbol [STRING] | Show current symbol letter (what on chevron 7). |
Ring Rotation | Show ring rotation status, 0 - idle, 1 - clockwise, -1 - counter-clockwise rotation. |
SGC Type | Return SGC Type stage. |
Chevron Light | Enables chevron light when locked. Note: this input can be saved with gatespawner. |
Classic Mode | Enables classic mode of gate - it will have combined sequences like sg1 + movie chevron lock order. Note: this input can be saved with gatespawner. |
Rotate Ring | Run the rotation of the ring. Modes: 1 - rotate every time in new direction. 2 - rotate clockwise. 3 - rotate counterclockwise. |
Ring Speed Mode | Set ring speed mode, 0 (default) = 50%, -1 = 25%, 1 = 100% (normal), 2 = 150%, 3 = 200%. Only works with Rotate Ring input. |
Chevron Encode | Encode chevron with current symbol on ring. |
Chevrons Lock | Lock all chevrons with current symbol on ring (must take the value from the output "Ring Chev7 Symbol [STRING]") and open gate if all correct. |
Encode Symbol [STRING] | Similar to Chevron Encode, but it will automatically rotate ring, then stop with entered symbol and encode chevron. |
Lock Symbol [STRING] | Similar to Chevrons Lock, but it will automatically rotate ring, then stop with entered symbol and lock all chevrons. |
SGC Type | Set SGC Type, will be different sounds, chev7 lock animation and different inbound sequence. Affect only with classic mode. Note: this input can be saved with gatespawner. |
Ring Symbol [STRING] | Show current symbol letter on chevron what need encode. |
Ring Rotation | Show ring rotation status, 0 - idle, 1 - clockwise, -1 - counter-clockwise rotation. |
Ring Chev7 Symbol [STRING] | Show current symbol letter on chevron 7 (top). |
SGC Type | Return SGC Type stage. |
Turn on ring light | Turning on all symbols (lights) on the ring. |
Atlantis Type | Set Atlantis Type, will be half brightness of ring light when gate inactive. |
Active Glyph | Return active glyph number, needed mostly for e2 chips. |
Atlantis Type | Return Atlantis Type stage. |
Active Segment | Return current active segment number, from 0 to 72. |
##Stargate Universe - Additional inputs and outputs
Rotate Ring | Run the rotation of the ring. Modes: 1 - rotate every time in new direction. 2 - rotate clockwise. 3 - rotate counterclockwise. |
Ring Speed Mode | Set ring speed mode, 0 (default) = 50%, 1 = 100% (normal). Only works with Rotate Ring input. |
Encode Symbol | Encode current symbol on top of ring. |
Symbols Lock | Encode last symbol and open gate if all correct. |
Force Encode Symbol [STRING] | Similar to Encode Symbol, but it will automatically rotate ring, then stop with entered symbol and encode it. |
Force Lock Symbol [STRING] | Similar to Symbols Lock, but it will automatically rotate ring, then stop with entered symbol and lock all symbols. |
Inbound Symbols | Enable symbols light on inbound connection. 1 - dialed symbols, 2 - all symbols. |
Activate Chevrons | Activate all chevrons light (from 1 to 9). |
Activate All Symbols | Activate all symbols light. |
Activate Symbols [STRING] | Activate entered symbols light, can contains few symbols. |
Activate Symbols Sound | If will set to 1, then will be symbol lock sound when using input Activate Symbols [STRING]. |
Ring Symbol [STRING] | Show current symbol letter on ring what need encode. |
Ring Rotation | Show ring rotation status, 0 - idle, 1 - clockwise, -1 - counter-clockwise rotation. |
Press Button | Press dhd button by key code. (for example - with wired keyboard). |
Disable Menu | Disables dhd menu, so you can only press buttons on it. |
Disable Glyphs | Disabled draw letters on glyphs. |
Wire Disable DHD Sound | Disable sound when pressing buttons using input Press Button. |
Disable Ring Rotation | Disables stargate ring rotation when pressing buttons on dhd. |
Slow Mode | Enables slow dial mode when pressing buttons on dhd with atlantis stargate. |
Activate | Activate (close) iris on stargate. |
Toggle | Toggle (open if closed, close if opened) iris on stargate. |
Activated | Returns 1 when iris is activated (closed). |
Iris Control | If set to 1 or higher - will activate (close) iris, if 0 or less then deactivate (open). |
GDO Status | Override GDO status when receive code. This useful for e2 chips if use own code table in e2, not in iris computer. Stages: 1 - valid, 0 - no action (invalid), -1 - send wrong stage to gdo if used option "Don't Auto-Open" after some time. |
GDO Text [STRING] | Override GDO text when receive code or when send stage with "Don't Auto-Open" option. |
Auto-close | Auto close iris on inbound connection. |
Don't Auto-Open | Disabled automatic open iris when entered correct code. |
Don't Auto-Open | Disabled automatic open iris when entered correct code. |
Close time | Automatically close the iris after specified number of seconds on entering the correct code. |
Disable Menu Mode | Disables menu on iris computer. 1 - disable for all except owner, 2 - disabled for all. |
Incoming Wormhole | Returns 1 if this is incoming connection. |
Code Status | Return 1 if code is correct. |
Gate Active | Return 1 if gate active. |
Received Code | Return code what received from gdo through stargate. |
Code Description [STRING] | Return description of received code. |
Iris Active | Return 1 if iris activated (closed). |
Busy | Return 1 if iris computer is busy and can't receive codes at this moment. |