Weapon Devices - RafaelDeJongh/cap GitHub Wiki
The weapon systems found in Stargate. From the small Destiny Turret, to the powerful Dakara Superweapon. These appear under the Weapons Section in the Stargate tab in gmod.
- AG-3
- Asgard Beam Weapon
- Asuran Gate Weapon & Satellite
- Dakara Superweapon
- Destiny Main Weapon
- Destiny Medium Turret
- Destiny Small Turret
- Drone Launcher
- Gate Overloader
- Horizon (Missile) Weapon Platform
- MiniDrone Platform
- Ori Beam Canon
- Ori Satellite
- Shaped Charge (Directional Bomb)
- Ship Railgun
- Stationary Railgun
- Stationary Staff Weapon
- Tollan Ion Cannon
AG-3 Satellite:
This is an AG-3 Satellite Network, a defence system capable of detecting Goa’uld Mothership while in hyperspace, several light-years away. A satellite is powered by heavy liquid naquadah and combined with other satellites fires a concentrated beam onto the target.
To use the AG-3 Satellite Network, one must first spawn 6 satellites by clicking on its icon 6 times, therefore spawning all of the satellites at the same spot, as they will spawn correctly automatically.
To control the network, wire the “Active” and “Fire” on the central satellite to the “1” on the Target Finder and then wire “Entity” on the central Satellite to the “Entity” on the Target Finder. To fire at a specific location. To manually control the satellite network, touch a controllable chair to the central satellite.
Asgard Beam Weapon:
An Asgard Beam Weapon fires an extremely powerful energy beam that is capable of piercing even Ori Mothership shields. It is the newest Asgard weapons technology and their most advanced weapon system.
To use or control an Asgard Beam Weapon, either touch a chair or wire inputs to a Target Finder or a GPS.
For automatic firing and target lock, wire up “Fire” and “Active” on the Beam Weapon to the “1” on the Target Finder, and wire the “Entity” on the Beam Weapon to the “Entity” on the Target Finder. To fire at a specific location, wire up “Vector” on the Beam Weapon to the “Vector” on the GPS, and wire up “Fire” and “Active” to anything you like, presumably some buttons. To control the Beam Weapon manually, spawn a controllable chair vehicle and touch it to the Beam Weapon.
Asuran Gate Weapon & Satellite:
The Asuran Satellite Gate Weapon is made up of two parts: The Asuran Satellite and the Asuran Gate Weapon
The Asuran Gate Satellite, is basically a stripped down, round satellite with a hyperdrive, target computer and a shield. Of course then, with a Stargate in its midst!
To use or control the Asuran Gate Satellite, either touch a chair to it, and use Right-Click to activate the shield and the mouse to move around, or wire inputs to a Target Finder or a GPS.
For automatic shields toggling, hyperdrive and target trace, wire up “Fire”, “Shield”, “Hyperdrive” and “Active” on the Asuran Gate Satellite to the “1” on the Target Finder, and the “Entity” on the Asuran Gate Satellite to the “Entity” on the Target Finder. To target a specific location, wire up “Vector” on the Asuran Gate Satellite to the “Vector” on the GPS, and wire up “Active”, “Hyperdrive” and “Shield” to anything you like, presumably some buttons. To control the Asuran Gate Weapon manually, spawn a controllable chair vehicle and touch it to the Asuran Gate Satellite.
The Asuran Satellite:
The Asuran Gate Weapon is an extremely powerful device, a weapon emitting a very powerful, concentrated beam into a Stargate and out in another.
To use the Asuran Gate Weapon, you first need an Asuran Gate Satellite, the Asuran Gate Weapon itself, and a dialling end Stargate in which to place the Asuran Gate Weapon in front of. First, dial the satellite gate with the dialling end Stargate in front of the gate weapon, then activate the Gate Weapon.
To use the Asuran Gate Weapon, it must first have sufficient power. Once it has, and an active wormhole is detected in front of it, simply press Use to activate it.
Dakara Superweapon:
An Ancient device capable of either creating life or destroying all life in an entire galaxy.
Open the door and press the ancient console!
Destiny Main Weapon:
The most powerful weapon on-board the Destiny, it fires energy discharges supposedly more powerful than a Hata’k plasma weapon. As it is very powerful and cumbersome, it takes time to move it around.
To use or control the Main Weapon of the Destiny, either touch a chair or wire inputs to a Target Finder or a GPS.
For automatic firing and target lock, wire up “Fire” and “Active” on the Main Weapon to the “1” on the Target Finder, and the “Entity” on the Main Weapon to the “Entity” on the Target Finder. To fire at a specific location, wire up “Vector” on the Main Weapon to the “Vector” on the GPS, and wire up “Fire” and “Active” to anything you like, presumably some buttons. To control the Main Weapon manually, spawn a controllable chair vehicle and touch it to the Main Weapon.
Destiny Medium Turret:
Although it is known to be on-board the Destiny, we are yet to see it in action. The Medium sized Turret fires energy bursts more powerful than those of the Small Turret. Presumably intended to target enemy vessels such as corvettes and lighter frigates.
To use or control Medium sized Turrets, either touch a chair or wire inputs to a Target Finder or a GPS.
For automatic firing and target lock, wire up “Fire” and “Active” on the Medium sized Turret to the “1” on the Target Finder, then wire the “Entity” on the Medium sized Turret to the “Entity” on the Target Finder. To fire at a specific location, wire up “Vector” on the Medium sized Turret to the “Vector” on the GPS, then wire “Fire” and “Active” to whatever you like, presumably some buttons. To control the Medium sized Turret manually, spawn a controllable chair vehicle and touch it to the Medium sized Turret.
Destiny Small Turret:
An Ancient energy weapon, created along with the Destiny over a million years ago, this weapon fires powerfully potent energy bursts, mostly used to target enemy fighter craft. There are several of these small-sized turrets around the hull of the Destiny.
To use or control Small Turrets, either touch a chair or wire inputs to a Target Finder or a GPS.
For automatic firing and target lock, wire up “Fire” and “Active” on the Small Turret to the “1” on the Target Finder, and then wire the “Entity” on the Small Turret to the “Entity” on the Target Finder. To fire at a specific location, wire up “Vector” on the Small Turret to the “Vector” on the GPS, then wire “Fire” and “Active” to presumably some buttons! To control the Small Turret manually, spawn a controllable chair vehicle and touch it to the Small Turret.
Drone Launcher:
Drone Launchers were basically bays made to defend city-ships from attack. They fire cylindrical drones that penetrate all known forms of shield technology.
To use the Drone Launcher, either touch a chair to it, and use Left-Click to fire, or, use wire to control it.
In order to use the Drone Launcher with wire, the bay doors must first be opened by wiring “Open” to for example a button or “1” on a Target Finder. The same goes with “Fire” and “Lock”. “Kill” deactivates one drone at a time.
Gate Overloader:
The Gate Overloader was a weapon used by Anubis, most likely of Ancient design, to overload and destroy the receiving end of a Stargate. The resulting explosion was stated to completely destroy the equal area of an entire state of the USA.
To operate the Gate Overloader, simply make sure it has sufficient power, make sure it’s placed in front of a Stargate, then dial up another Stargate with that Stargate, and wait for the boom!
To activate the Gate Overloader, make sure it has sufficient power and that it is facing an active wormhole, then simply press Use and watch it set the receiving end Stargate on fire!
Horizon (Missile) Weapons Platform:
Consisting of a rocket, 6 naquadah enhanced nuclear warheads and 4 decoys, the Horizon Weapons Platform was used to strike against the Asuran Replicators in order to destroy their inter-galactic capably vessels under construction.
The Horizon must be wire controlled, preferably by for example wiring “Fire”, “Engines” and “Release Covers” on the missile to “A”, “B”, and “C” on a two way radio, then link the two way radio with another one, and then to wire “A”, “B”, and “C” on that two way radio to three buttons or something you like!
MiniDrone Platform:
Mini-drones, as the name implies, are a miniaturized version of the drone weapon technology developed by the Ancients. They function in much the same way as the larger version, but were designed as an anti-personnel weapon. They were created by the Lanteans during their time in the Pegasus Galaxy.
To use this device get in close range of the device and press your fire button to then fire the mini drones which will be guided by where the player is pointing to.
Ori Beam Cannon:
Ori Beam Weapons are among the most powerful beam weapons known to date, along with the Asgard Beam Weapons. An Ori Beam Weapon fires a massive burst of energy that is capable of immense damage.
To fire the Ori Beam Weapon, first make sure that sufficient power is being channelled into the weapon, then simply press Use or use wire to wire “Fire” to a button or anything you like.
Ori Satellite:
The Ori Satellite is a satellite sporting extremely powerful shield, an Ori Beam Weapon and target acquisition equipment.
To use it, either touch a chair and use Left-Click to fire and Right-Click to activate the shield, or use wire, as usual!
To control the Ori Satellite with wire, wire “Fire” and “Active” on the Ori Satellite to the “1” on a Target Finder and “Entity” on the satellite to the “Entity” on the Target Finder for automatic firing mode, or “Vector” on the satellite to “Vector” on a GPS and “Fire” and “Active” to buttons or anything you like to fire at a specific location.
Shaped Charge (Directional Bomb):
The shaped charge is designed to deliver an energy burst into a stargate, sufficient to overload the gate and divert the wormhole to another address. You need to get close enough to set the charge a short distance from the stargate and trigger the explosion.
Ship Railgun:
The Ship Railgun is used on most Tau’ri ships to combat fighter craft and various targets on capital ships such as Wraith Dart bays to cause secondary explosions. It is a point defence weapon that fires solid matter at extreme velocities.
To use the Ship Railgun, simply touch a chair to it and use Left-Click to fire, or use wire.
To wire-control the Ship Railgun, wire “Fire” and “Active” on the Ship Railgun to the “1” on a Target Finder and “Entity” on the Railgun to “Entity” on the Target Finder for automatic firing mode. Likewise, wire “Vector” on the Railgun to “Vector” on a GPS and “Fire” and “Active” to some buttons or anything.
Stationary Railgun:
The Stationary Railgun was developed by the Tau’ri to defend Atlantis against Wraith attack, and has since then been used on many bases, for example Icarus Base. It fires solid projectiles at extreme velocities against enemy fighters and capital ships.
To sit in the Stationary Railgun, press Use while standing next to the back end support.
To control the Stationary Railgun once seated, use W, A, S and D to move the railgun and Space to fire.
Stationary Staff Weapon:
The Stationary Staff Weapon is used by the Goa’uld as support weapons for their Jaffa. It fires a high power energy blast, much like that of a staff weapon but more powerful.
To use the Stationary Staff Weapon, press Use while standing behind the weapon itself.
To control the weapon, move the mouse around to move the weapon itself. In order to fire the weapon, one must first press Right-Click to open the Staff’s nozzle, then press Left-Click to fire.
Tollan Ion Cannon:
The Tollan Ion Cannon was a weapon used by the Tollan, an advanced race of humans. They had the capability to penetrate Goa’uld mothership shields and destroy an Hata’k in only a few shots before Anubis developed stronger shields using ascended knowledge.
To use the Tollan Ion Cannon, either touch a chair to it and use Left-Click to fire, or use wire.
To control the Tollan Ion cannon with wire, wire “Fire” and “Active” to the “1” on a Target Finder and “Entity” on the cannon to the “Entity” on the Target Finder for automatic firing mode, or “Vector” on the cannon to “Vector” on a GPS and “Fire” and “Active” to buttons or anything you like to fire at a specific location.