Stools - RafaelDeJongh/cap GitHub Wiki







These STools are used either to provide energy, or to house energy modules like ZPM(s). These STools REQUIRE Life Support to function correctly and provide energy.

If you want to use the ZPM(s) or Naquadah Generators as props, it is recommended you use the actual props instead, rathern than the entities because they're more stable to use when welding to other element.

Asuran ZPM Hub STool:

This is a ZPM hub like the one seen in Stargate Atlantis in the Asuran city. It can house a single ZPM.

Touch a ZPM on it and it will snap the ZPM into place. Use E to make the ZPM lower down into the Hub and it will activate. This tool must first be linked to a resource node to provide proper energy.

Atlantis ZPM Hub STool:

This is a ZPM hub like the one seen in Stargate Atlantis in the city of Atlantis. It can house three ZPM's

Touch a ZPM on it and it will snap the ZPM into place. Use E to make the ZPM lower down into the Hub and it will activate. This tool must first be linked to a resource node to provide proper energy.

Naquadah Generator MK 1/2 STool

Both these tools provide a decent amount of energy to anything you link it to. This tool must first be linked to a resource node to provide proper energy.


This is a ZPM hub like the one seen in Stargate SG-1. It can house a single ZPM.

Touch a ZPM on it and it will snap the ZPM into place. Use E to make the ZPM lower down into the Hub and it will activate. This tool must first be linked to a resource node to provide proper energy.


A ZPM, which can be put into a ZPM hub. Provides massive amounts of energy.


A ramp can be chosen from a selection of Ramps in the STools menu.
A Stargate or Ring device (and in some cases a DHD or Ring Panel) can be placed onto these to give them a nicer look and feel.

Animated/Non-Animated Ramp STool:

A tool allowing you to spawn/create ramps, just like the ones seen in Stargate, such as the sgc's ramp, all the way to the ramps seen off world like the one at the Icarus base.

The Animated ramp tool contains ramps that are animated i.e. they have various interaction, such as spew steam or light up.

The Non-animated ramps tool is for ramps that do not interact and are mainly used for easy placement.

Both ramps animated/non-animated can be used by spawning a Stargate directly onto them and in some cases a DHD.

Ring Ramps STool:

This is a ramp for ring devices. Just spawn a ring and/or a controller onto a platform.


These STools are anything which isn’t an Energy Providing Device, a Ramp or Weapon. They range from the Gate Bearing from SGU to the many Stargate Irises.

Items marked with an X after the title require energy IF LIFE SUPPORT IS INSTALLED!!!

Asgard Transporter Beam Jammer STool:

This STool allows you to jam any Asgard transporters near this device, rendering them useless.

Brazier STool:

This tool is to spawn lit braziers from the Goa'uld braziers to the Ori braziers.

They will give dynamic light to the environment you place them in.

Choose your brazier model and spawn it.

Cloaking Field Generator STool: X

This can be used to generate a cloaking field over props and entities.

Choose settings then turn it on and everything in the chosen radius will be cloaked.
There is a out of phase option so that your props will be no-collided with anything but world.

Console (Atlantis & Destiny) STool:

Spawns two consoles in which buttons can be put on, they are mainly props.

Control Panel STool:

Spawns a control panel (from rings) which can then be used together with Wiremod.

Doors + Door Controller STool:

This two tools can be used to spawn a door, the doors can be used in bases and constructions.

The door controller is a way to open the door, but you can also open the doors via wire.

Choose your door model (SGA or SGU model) and spawn it where you want it.

You can then choose your controller (SGA or SGU model) and spawn it onto the door. Then when you use the controller, the door will open. You can put a single controller on each side.

Floor Chevron STool:

Spawns a floor chevron as seen in Stargate Universe.

Gate Bearing STool:

This is the Stargate bearing tool, it will spawn a bearing only on the SGU Stargate.

This bearing will light up to indicate that a chevron of the SGU Stargate is locked, only on slow dial.

Spawn it on a SGU Stargate to make it work, it will auto snap on top of the Stargate.

Goa’uld Shield Iris STool: X

This is a Goa'uld shield iris tool that can be used like the SGC iris but this one is just a whole shield around the gate.

Enter your digit in your keypad to toggle this shield iris.

Spawn it on the gate and it will automatically activate the shield. Can be used with SGC computer.

Gravity Controller STool:

Controls gravity, this is the tech that it used on a Spacegate to keep it in orbit.

Mobile DHD STool:

Choose your model and spawn. Opens a Stargate Dial Menu when used.

SG-1 Iris & SGA Shield Iris STool: X

Choose iris and spawn onto Stargate. The SG-1 has a cartoon version too. These can be used with the SGC computer.

ONLY the shield iris requires energy!

Shield STool:

A shield barrier. Spawn emitter, press USE on it to start up the shield.

Supergate DHD STool:

Must be spawned onto a Supergate so that a Supergate can be dialed.

Tokra Shield Emitter and Controller STool:

A shield barrier, like the one seen that kept Tanith in his cell in the tok’ra tunnels. Spawn two emitters in close distance, then a controller. Press USE on the controller to start up the shield.

Tollan Weapon Disabler STool:

Disables your weapons so that any offensive weapon cannot be used, when you try to get a weapon, it will go back to the physgun. Does not work on NPC’s.

Wraith Harvester STool: X

As seen on Stargate Atlantis, the device from the bottom of each Wraith Dart which sucks up and the spits out objects, NPC's and players. Wire up or use the specified numpad buttons to control this tool.


These are a selection of weapons from Stargate. Items marked with an X after the title require energy IF LIFE SUPPORT IS INSTALLED!!!

Aschen Defense System: X

The Aschen Defense System consists of several oval half-domes that will open fire if anyone approaches restricted areas, such as a Stargate. They emit red lasers that are strong enough to kill a man with several shots.

To use the Aschen Defence System, spawn one or several Defense Systems and then wire them up to a Target Finder and start zapping people!

For automatic firing mode, wire "Fire" and "Active" on the Defense System(s) to "1" on the Target Finder, and "Entity" on the Defense Systems to "Entity" on the Target Finder for the System to automatically track and fire upon any specified person within range.

Energy requirement for this entity can be turned off in the ConVars Section.

Drones STool: X

A drone launcher STool useful on ships.

Choose a numpad number or make use of wire.

Naquadah Bomb STool:

A very powerful bomb made of naquadah that will consume a whole map and leave behind radiation for a minute. Yield (explosive radius) can be changed in STool settings.

Staff Weapon STool: X

Staff Canon like on death gliders firing destructive yellow bolts humming with energy.

Tampered ZPM STool:

This device, acts like a ZPM, and when enough power is starting to be consumed from it, it will use the energy to create a massive explosion. Just link it up to something requiring lots of power, then after a while, boom, the map has been obliterated.

Wraith Stun Bomb:

This Wraith device is produced to stun everyone near its proximity, simply press USE on the bomb and it will send out a wide range of stun waves!

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