Lua hooks - RafaelDeJongh/cap GitHub Wiki

In this section you will find information about internal CAP lua hooks, special functions and variables. This can be useful for server owners and addon developers.

This section is under construction.


Internal CAP lua hooks

This hooks was created to control the actions of CAP devices. Most hooks should return FALSE for disabled actions, or return NIL. You should never return TRUE in hooks, or this will break all other hooks after it calls your hook. For example this code will prevent you to kill admins with a Naquadah Bomb:

-- this calls before kill player by ply:Kill() function hook.Add("StarGate.GateNuke.KillPlayer","GateNuke.Admins",function(ply) if (IsValid(ply) and ply:IsAdmin()) then return false end end)

-- this one calls before damage player/ent in explosion radius. hook.Add("StarGate.GateNuke.DamageEnt","GateNuke.Admins",function(ent) if (IsValid(ent) and ent:IsPlayer() and ent:IsAdmin()) then return false end end)

Stargate hooks

Arguments: player, entity
This hook called before open dial menu by pressing E on stargate/dhd/mobile dhd etc. Entity is stargate on what player trying to open menu. Return false for disallow.
Arguments: player, entity
This hook called before open stargate menu for modify gate info. Return false for disallow modifications.
Arguments: player, entity
Similar to StarGate.Player.CanModifyGate, except calls when player use gatespawner protected entity. Return false for disallow modifications.
Arguments: player, entity, tool name
This hook called when player trying tool on protected entity. Return true or false for override default stage.
Arguments: player, entity, address, fast dial, nox dial
This hook called when player started dial stargate via menu. Return nothing.
Arguments: player, entity
This hook called when player abort dial or close stargate via menu. Return nothing.
Arguments: entity, target, address, dialmode
This hook called when someone start dial from stargate to another one. Return false for disallow dial.
Arguments: entity, old address, new address
This hook called when someone set new address for stargate. Return "" or another address if you want override it.
Arguments: entity, old group, new group
This hook called when someone set new group for stargate. Return "" or another group if you want override it.
Arguments: entity, old name, new name
This hook called when someone set new name for stargate. Return "" or another name if you want override it.
Arguments: entity, old value, new value
This hook called when someone set private stage for stargate. Return true or false if you want override stage.
Arguments: entity, old value, new value
This hook called when someone set local stage for stargate. Return true or false if you want override stage. Note: only works with group system type.
Arguments: entity, old value, new value
This hook called when someone set galaxy stage for stargate. Return true or false if you want override stage. Note: only works with galaxy system type.
Arguments: entity, old value, new value
This hook called when someone set blocked stage for stargate. Return true or false if you want override stage.

Misc hooks

Arguments: player, weapon
This hook called when player tried to drop his weapon throuch cap drop weapon function (allow drop weapons feature is settings). Return false for disallow drop this weapon. Note: weapon is entity, not class. Use weapon:GetClass() for this.
Arguments: player, name, key, is pressed
This hook called when player press some special key what registered by cap (ships, malp etc). Return false for disallow pressing or releasing this key.
Arguments: player, name, key
This hook called when player pressed some special key what registered by cap. Return false for disallow pressing this key.
Arguments: player, name, key
This hook called when player released some special key what registered by cap. Return false for disallow releasing this key.
Arguments: entity, attacker
This hook called before hand device doing push. Attacked - is owner of weapon, entity - entity what should be pushed. Return false for disallow push this ent.
Arguments: entity
This hook called before kill player by naquadah explosion (used in device like naquadah bomb, tampered zmp etc). Return false for disallow kill player. Please note - player still will die if you didn't return false in StarGate.GateNuke.DamageEnt hook.
Arguments: entity
This hook called before damage entity by naquadah explosion. Return false for disallow damage this ent.
Arguments: entity
This hook called before damage entity or player by ag3 blast wave. Return false for disallow damage this ent.
Arguments: entity, black hole
This hook called before remove entity or kill player/npc by black hole. Return false for disallow remove this ent.
Arguments: entity, black hole
This hook called before push entity by black hole. Return false for disallow push this ent.
Arguments: entity, transporter
This hook called before teleport entity/player by asgard transporter. Return false for disallow teleport this ent.
Arguments: entity, rings
This hook called before teleport entity/player by rings. Return false for disallow teleport this ent.
Arguments: entity, transporter
This hook called before teleport entity/player by atlantis transporter. Return false for disallow teleport this ent.
Arguments: player, bomb
This hook called before stun player by wraith bomb. Return false for disallow stun this player.
Arguments: player, attacker
This hook called before stun player by wraith blaster or ronon gun. Return false for disallow stun this player.
Arguments: entity, darakawave
This hook called before disintegrate entity/player by dakara wave. Return false for disallow disintegration.
Arguments: player, anti prior
This hook called before disable noclip by anti prior device. Return false for prevent disabling noclip for this player.
Arguments: entity, bullet, trace
This hook called when some ent fire bullets (for example after teleportation through event horizon). Return any value for override it. Note: not really sure for what this hook needed.
Arguments: entity, harvester
This hook called before get player/entity into harvester. Return false for prevent this.
Arguments: player, jumper
This hook called before kill player near jumper by explosion. Return false for prevent kill player.
Arguments: player, ring
This hook called before open edit menu or modify ring. Return false for prevent modify ring.
Arguments: player, transporter
This hook called before open edit menu or modify atlantis transporter. Return false for prevent modify atlantis transporter.
Arguments: classname, spawn info (table), protect
This hook called before spawn any entity by gatespawner. Return false for prevent spawn.
Arguments: entity, spawn info (table)
This hook called after entity is spawned by gatespawner and all data is applied.

Internal CAP special functions

Arguments: shield
This function will be called when CAP shield (from stools) touch your SENT if this functions exists on your SENT. For example this functions used for energy_pulse in cap for prevent going shoots through shield.

Internal CAP special variables

If your SENT has this variable, and it is true, then your SENT will teleport through event horizon on touch without model clipping.
If your SENT has this variable, and it is true, then your SENT will never touch event horizon.
If your SENT has this variable, and it is true, then your SENT will not auto close stargate after teleportation through event horizon.
If your SENT has this variable, and it is true, then your SENT will not be saved with gmod saving system.
If your SENT has this variable, and it is true, then players can't touch your SENT by physgun/gravgun, can't tool etc.
Returns true if this entity spawner by gatespawner.
Returns true if this entity protected by gatespawner.
If your SENT has this variable, and it is true, then kawoosh will not destroy this entity.
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