Error handling - RaduG/swift_learning GitHub Wiki


In Swift, objects that implement the Error can be thrown. Enums are particularly good for this.

enum ATMError: Error {
  case invalidPin
  case cardNotReadable
  case insufficientFunds(requestedAmount: Int, balance: Int)

throw ATMError.insufficientFunds(requestedAmount: 100, balance: 80)

However, compared to other languages, throw is closer to return in terms of performance as raising an error does not require the frame stack to be unwind.

Functions that throw errors

Functions that throw errors must be declared as such by including the keyword throws before the return type declaration.

func someFunc(a: Int, b: Double) throws -> String

Handling throwing code

To execute a function that can throw an error, try must always be used:

enum Errors: Error {
  case evenNumber

func functionThatThrows(_ n: Int) throws -> Int {
  if n % 2 == 0 {
    throw Errors.evenNumber

  return n

let n = try functionThatThrows(100) // without try, a compiler error is triggered

It is possible to automatically convert the result of a try expression into an Optional using try?:

let n = try? functionThatThrows(100)
if n == nil {
    print("Error thrown!")

It is also possible to disable error propagation by using try!, which will in turn cause a runtime error if an error is actually thrown by that expression.

let n = try! functionThatThrows(101) // we know that this will not raise an error


Errors can be caught by using the do-catch statement together with try expressions. The catch clauses don't have to be exhaustive (unlike case statements).

do {
  try expression1
  // other statements
} catch ErrorType1, ErrorType2 {
} catch ErrorType1 where ... {
} catch {
  // catch all / fallback

Note: There is no single-statement equivalent to try-except-finally - instead, use a defer block. Defer blocks are always executed before the function returns regardless of the result (similar to finally in Python).

More extensive example:

class BankAccount {
  enum BankAccountError: Error {
    case insufficientFunds

  let accountNumber: String
  let sortCode: String
  private var internalBalance: Double
  var balance: Double {

  init(accountNumber: String, sortCode: String, balance: Double) {
    self.accountNumber = accountNumber
    self.sortCode = sortCode
    self.internalBalance = balance

  convenience init(accountNumber: String, sortCode: String) {
    self.init(accountNumber: accountNumber, sortCode: sortCode, balance: 0)

  func credit(amount: Double) {
    internalBalance += amount

  func debit(amount: Double) throws {
    if internalBalance < amount {
      throw BankAccountError.insufficientFunds

    internalBalance -= amount

  func makeCard() -> Card {
    return Card(
      number: accountNumber + sortCode,
      pin: String(Int.random(in: 1111...9999)),
      bankAccount: self

  func toString() -> String {
    return "BankAccount(accountNumber=\(accountNumber), sortCode=\(sortCode), balance=\(balance))"

struct Card {
  let number: String
  let pin: String
  let bankAccount: BankAccount

  func authenticate(pin: String) -> Bool {
    return == pin

  func debit(amount: Double) -> Bool {
    do {
      try bankAccount.debit(amount: amount)
    } catch {
      return false

    return true

  func balance() -> Double {
    return bankAccount.balance

  func toString() -> String {
    return "Card(number=\(number), pin=\(pin), bankAccount=\(bankAccount.toString()))"

class ATM {
  enum ATMError: Error {
    case notReady
    case invalidPin
    case invalidOperation
    case notEnoughCash
    case insufficientFunds(requestedAmount: Double, balance: Double)

  enum ATMOperation: String, CaseIterable {
    case withdraw = "1"
    case cancel = "2"

  let availableCash: Double

  init(funds availableCash: Double) {
    self.availableCash = availableCash

  func use(card: Card) throws {
    print("ATM Ready, please insert card")
    print("\(card.toString()) inserted!")
    print("Please insert PIN: ")
    let pin = readLine()!

    guard card.authenticate(pin: pin) else {
      print("Incorrect PIN!")
      throw ATMError.invalidPin
    print("PIN correct!")

    print("Please select operation type:")
    for op in ATM.ATMOperation.allCases {
      print("\(op.rawValue): \(op)")

    guard let op = ATM.ATMOperation(rawValue: readLine()!) else {
      print("Invalid operation!")
      throw ATMError.invalidOperation

    if op == ATM.ATMOperation.withdraw {
      print("What amount would you like to withdraw?")
      let amount = Double(readLine()!)!

      try self.withdraw(card: card, amount: amount)
    } else if op == ATM.ATMOperation.cancel {
      print("OK, bye!")

  func withdraw(card: Card, amount: Double) throws {
    if amount > availableCash {
      throw ATMError.notEnoughCash

    if card.debit(amount: amount) {
      print("Withdrawing \(amount) from card \(card)")
    } else {
      throw ATMError.insufficientFunds(requestedAmount: amount, balance: card.balance())

let bankAccount = BankAccount(accountNumber: "1234567", sortCode: "121314", balance: 100)
let card = bankAccount.makeCard()
let atm = ATM(funds: 90)

try atm.use(card: card)