Classes and Structs - RaduG/swift_learning GitHub Wiki


Structs and Classes are similar but have different purposes. Both can:

  • hold data and functionality (properties, methods, initialisers)
  • be extended (note to self: do not confuse with inheritance)
  • conform to protocols
  • implement subscript functionality


  • Structs are always passed by value (single reference), whereas Classes are passed by reference (multiple variables can point to the same instance)
  • Classes provide inheritance
  • Classes can be type casted
  • Classes can have deinitialisers


class SomeClass {
  // body

struct SomeStruct {
  // body

Structs and Enums are value types

They are always passed by value. Example:

struct Time {
  var seconds: Int = 0

  mutating func tick() {
    self.seconds += 1

var t1 = Time()
print("t1: \(t1.seconds)") // 0
print("t1: \(t1.seconds)") // 1
var t2 = t1 // ~equivalent to t2 = Time(t1.seconds)
print("t2: \(t2.seconds)") // 1
print("t1: \(t1.seconds)") // 2
print("t2: \(t2.seconds)") // 1

Note that the mutating keyword is used to mark that the method mutates the struct. With structs, to mutate the struct, the attribute being changed also has to be a var. If the struct is created as a constant (with let), all attributes are automatically constants. Example:

let t3 = Time()

Will cause a compiler error:

structs_and_classes.swift:41:4: error: cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 't3' is a 'let' constant
~~ ^
structs_and_classes.swift:40:1: note: change 'let' to 'var' to make it mutable
let t3 = Time()

Identity operator

Use === and !==:

let person1 = Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe")
let person2 = person1
let person3 = Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe")

print(person1 === person2) // true
print(person1 === person3) // false
print(person1 !== person3) // true

Lazy properties

Evaluation of properties can be deferred until they are needed. Example:

class SomeOtherClass {
  lazy var property: Void = print("Property was initialised")
  let someValue: Int

  init(someValue: Int) {
    self.someValue = someValue

let inst = SomeOtherClass(someValue: 100)
print("Calling .property")

Computed properties

Properties may have getter and setter functions.

struct Line {
  struct Point {
    let x: Double
    let y: Double

  var p1: Point
  var p2: Point

  // This property only has a getter
  var length: Double {
    sqrt(pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2))

  var centre: Point {
    get {
      let cX = p1.x + (p2.x - p1.x) / 2
      let cY = p1.y + (p2.y - p1.y) / 2
      return Point(x: cX, y: cY)
    // if newCentre not explicitly given, the name newValue is assumed
    set (newCentre) {
      let currentCentre = self.centre
      let deltaX = newCentre.x - currentCentre.x
      let deltaY = newCentre.y - currentCentre.y

      p1 = Point(x: p1.x + deltaX, y: p1.y + deltaY)
      p2 = Point(x: p2.x + deltaX, y: p2.y + deltaY)

var line = Line(p1: Line.Point(x: 0, y: 0), p2: Line.Point(x: 10, y: 10))
print(line.length) // 10.0
print(line.centre) // Point(x: 5.0, y: 0.0)
line.centre = Line.Point(x: 1, y: 1)
print(line.length) // 10.0
print(line.p1) // Point(x: -4.0, y: 1.0)
print(line.p2) // Point(x: 6.0, y: 1.0)

Property observers

Typically used to observe changed in inherited computed properties:

// assumes Line is a class rather than a struct
class SpecialLine: Line {
  override var centre: Point {
    willSet (newValue) {
      print("Setting centre to \(newValue)")

    didSet {
      print("Replaced centre \(oldValue) with \(centre)")

var specialLine = SpecialLine(p1: Line.Point(x: 0, y: 0), p2: Line.Point(x: 10, y: 10))
print(specialLine.centre) // Point(x: 5.0, y: 0.0)
specialLine.centre = SpecialLine.Point(x: 1, y: 1)

Note: If passing a property with observer as an inout argument, its observers will always be called due to the copy-in copy-out memory model.

Property wrappers

Property wrappers allow separation and reusing of management code across properties.

Basic example:

struct AlwaysInt {
  private var n: Int

  init() {
    self.n = 0

  var wrappedValue: Double {
    get {
    set {
      self.n = Int(newValue)

struct Baby {
  @AlwaysInt var age: Double

var baby = Baby()
baby.age = 12.3

However, in the example above, Baby.age cannot have a default value set in Baby because AlwaysInt does not have an appropriate constructor for it. To fix this:

struct AlwaysInt {
  private var n: Int

  init() {
    self.n = 0

  init(wrappedValue: Double) {
    self.n = Int(wrappedValue)

  var wrappedValue: Double {
    get {
    set {
      self.n = Int(newValue)

struct Baby {
  @AlwaysInt var age: Double

  init(age: Double) {
    self.age = age

var baby = Baby(age: 15)
baby.age = 12.3

It's also possible to have more than one argument for a property wrapper, in which case they can be "dynamic":

struct AlwaysLessThan {
  private let limit: Double
  private var currentValue: Double

  var wrappedValue: Double {
    get {
    set {
      self.currentValue = min(newValue, self.limit)

  init(limit: Double) {
    self.limit = limit
    self.currentValue = 0

  init(wrappedValue: Double, limit: Double) {
    self.limit = limit
    self.currentValue = min(limit, wrappedValue)

struct NewPerson {
  @AlwaysLessThan(limit: 220) var heightCm: Double
  @AlwaysLessThan(limit: 99) var age: Double

var person10 = NewPerson()
print("\(person10.heightCm), \(person10.age)")
person10.heightCm = 250
person10.age = 122
print("\(person10.heightCm), \(person10.age)")

Property wrappers can also expose a "projected value" which is accessible using the same variable name, but with a prepended $. In the example below, projectedValue is used to show if the stored value exceeded the limit.

struct AlwaysLessThan {
  private let limit: Double
  private var currentValue: Double

  var projectedValue: Bool = false
  var wrappedValue: Double {
    get {
    set {
      self.currentValue = min(newValue, self.limit)
      self.projectedValue = newValue > self.limit

  init(limit: Double) {
    self.limit = limit
    self.currentValue = 0

  init(wrappedValue: Double, limit: Double) {
    self.limit = limit
    self.currentValue = min(limit, wrappedValue)

struct NewPerson {
  @AlwaysLessThan(limit: 220) var heightCm: Double
  @AlwaysLessThan(limit: 99) var age: Double

var person10 = NewPerson()
print("\(person10.heightCm), \(person10.age), \(person10.$heightCm), \(person10.$age)")
person10.heightCm = 250
person10.age = 122
print("\(person10.heightCm), \(person10.age), \(person10.$heightCm), \(person10.$age)")

Static properties

To define static properties, declare them as static. Static members are not accessible through instances.

class SomeClassWithStaticAttribute {
  static var limit = 20
  let x: Int

  init(x: Int) {
    self.x = x

Methods can also be static but they use the class keyword instead. In the context of a class method, self refers to the type itself.

class SomeClassWithStaticFunction {
  let x: Int

  class func makeInstance(x: Int) -> SomeClassWithStaticFunction {
    return self.init(x: x + 1)

  required init(x: Int) {
    self.x = x

let inst2 = SomeClassWithStaticFunction.makeInstance(x: 100)

Mutating structs and enums

As structs and enums are value types, when they are mutated new instances are effectively being created with the new values. A mutating function can also assign a new instance to self.

struct SmartPoint {
  var x: Int
  var y: Int

  mutating func flip() {
    /// let temp = x
    /// x = y
    /// y = temp
    /// equivalent to
    self = SmartPoint(x: y, y: x)

var p1 = SmartPoint(x: 10, y: 20)
enum TrafficLight {
  case red, redAmber, green, amber

  mutating func next() {
    switch self {
    case .red:
      self = .redAmber
    case .redAmber:
      self = .green
    case .green:
      self = .amber
    case .amber:
      self = .red

var tl =


Classes, structs and enums can implement subscript access with arbitrary numbers of parameters. Subscripts can also have setters just like computed properties.

struct PowersTable {
  let base: Int

  subscript(power: Int) -> Double {
    return pow(Double(base), Double(power))

let tbl = PowersTable(base: 2)
for p in 1...5 {
class SomeClass {
  subscript(indices: Int...) -> Int {
    return 0

let sc = SomeClass()
print(sc[1, 2, 3])