How to Use - Rado-1/ZgeOuya GitHub Wiki

Important: this page is applicable for the latest version of the library, compatibility to the previous versions is not guaranteed.

Usage of OUYA IAP in ZGameEditor project

Important: To use the OUYA IAP functionality in your application, you should be an registered OUYA developer and should create game(s) and product(s) to purchase. More information about how to become OUYA developer can be found here.

Since all IAP functionality includes Internet communication with OUYA backend server, it is realized by asynchronous request-response communication pattern. The common call pattern is used:

  1. Include ZExternalLibrary component for ZgeOuya library to the OnLoaded section of ZApplication. It can be found in the context menu Add from library... > External libraries > OUYA library of the Project tree.
  2. Initialize IAP with ouya_InitPurchasing(). This call is usually placed to the OnLoaded section of ZApplication or OnStart section of AppState component. You must provide your developer UUID downloaded from the OUYA Developer Portal.
  3. In order to request the OUYA server, first, the ouya_Request*() function is called to initialize communication. This call can be placed at any position in your code where appropriate.
  4. Then, the ouya_Is*RequestDone() is used to check the availability of the response. If this function returnsouya_YES, the response is available and you can read the result. If the function returns ouya_NO the request is still in progress. If the ouya_ERROR was returned, the request failed and the output errorMsg parameter contains the error message. The ouya_Is*RequestDone() function is usually called in OnUpdate section of ZApplication, AppState, or Model components.
  5. When the response is available, the results can be read by the ouya_Get*() function.
  6. To close the IAP processing, call the ouya_StopPurchasing() function. This call is usually placed to the OnClose section of ZApplication, OnLeave section of AppState, or OnRemove section of the Model component respectively.

Note: the previous description uses * as a placeholder for the type of requested object; it can be "Purchase" for purchasing a product, "Receipts" for a list of already purchased products, and "GamerInfo" for information about the current gamer.

Important: Android package name of your game, as specified on the OUYA Development Portal, must be identical to the ZApplication.AndroidPackageName property. If not, your game cannot perform purchases or obtain purchase receipts; the "Invalid game Uuid was provided" error is returned.

Examples of usage ZgeOuya IAP in ZGE can be found at the download page.

Usage of OUYA Controller in ZGameEditor project

  1. Put the Android Gamepad Library ZLibrary to the OnLoaded section of ZApplication. It can be found in the context menu Add from library... > Libraries > Android Gamepad Library of the Project tree.
  2. Ask for status of the controller buttons with joyGetButton() function and status of the joystick axis with the joyGetAxis() functions. These functions are usually called fromOnUpdate section of ZApplication, AppState, or Model components.
  3. To identify OUYA buttons and axes, use the OUYA_* codes defined in the library.

Video about how to add OUYA Controller to an existing ZGE project:

Building application for OUYA IAP

  1. Set the ZApplication.AndroidSdk to "4.1 (API Level 16)".
  2. Compile your Android application, e.g., use Project / Android: Build APK (debug) menu item.
  3. Download the OUYA Development Kit form this link, extract it, and the included ouya-sdk.jar file place to the libs folder of your application.
  4. Place file to the libs/armeabi folder.
  5. Place the file to the src/org/zgameeditor folder.
  6. Place the game signing key file key.der (obtained from the OUYA Developer Portal) to the assets folder.
  7. Compile the APK again as in step 1.
  8. Deploy the APK file to your OUYA device and install it. You can use, for instance, USB transfer from PC to OUYA and FilePwn OUYA application for installing the application at the device.

Note 1: Seps from 1 to 6 are required only when the application is built the first time. After that, a single compilation produces the correct APK.

Note 2: Use steps 4 and 5 also in the case when updating to a newer version of the ZgeOuya library.

Building application for OUYA Controller, without usage of IAP

To build your application just to support OUYA controller, without making use of the IAP mechanism, perform the steps 1, 2, and 8 from the process described in the previous section.