Cookies - Rades98/AlzaCaseStudy GitHub Wiki

About Cookies

Cookies are text files with small pieces of data — like a username and password — that are used to identify your computer as you use a computer network. Specific cookies known as HTTP cookies are used to identify specific users and improve your web browsing experience.

Data stored in a cookie is created by the server upon your connection. This data is labeled with an ID unique to you and your computer.

When the cookie is exchanged between your computer and the network server, the server reads the ID and knows what information to specifically serve to you.

Why Cookies Can Be Dangerous

Since the data in cookies doesn't change, cookies themselves aren't harmful.

They can't infect computers with viruses or other malware. However, some cyberattacks can hijack cookies and enable access to your browsing sessions.

The danger lies in their ability to track individuals' browsing histories. To explain, let’s discuss what cookies to watch out for.

Cookies in this API

At this point I use cookies only for storing actual order, to add items, or remove them, when status changes, just to have data for HATEOAS responses