14. Memory Modules
14.1. FIFO_16
Type Function module
Input DIN: DWORD (data input)
E: BOOL (enable input)
RD: BOOL (read command)
WD: BOOL (write command)
RST: BOOL (Reset input)
Output DOUT: DWORD (data output)
EMPTY: BOOL (EMPTY = TRUE means that memory is empty)
FULL: BOOL (FULL = TRUE means: memory is full)
FIFO_16 is a First-In First-Out Memory with 16 memory locations for
DWORD data. The two outputs EMPTY and FULL indicate when the memo-
ry is full or empty. The RST input clears the entire contents of the memory.
The FIFO is described by DIN, by put a TRUE to the input WD, and a true-
pulse on the input E. A read command is executed by TRUE to RD and
TRUE to E. Reading and writing can be performed simultaneously in one
cycle. The module reads or writes in each cycle as long as the correspon-
ding command (RD, WD) is set to TRUE.
14.2. FIFO_32
Type Function module
Input DIN: DWORD (data input)
E: BOOL (enable input)
RD: BOOL (read command)
WD: BOOL (write command)
RST: BOOL (Reset input)
Output DOUT: DWORD (data output)
EMPTY: BOOL (EMPTY = TRUE means that memory is empty)
FULL: BOOL (FULL = TRUE means: memory is full)
FIFO_32 is a First-In First-Out Memory with 32 memory locations for
DWORD data. The two outputs EMPTY and FULL indicate when the memo-
ry is full or empty. The RST input clears the entire contents of the memory.
The FIFO is described by DIN, by put a TRUE to the input WD, and a true-
pulse on the input E. A read command is executed by TRUE to RD and
TRUE to E. Reading and writing can be performed simultaneously in one
cycle. The module reads or writes in each cycle as long as the correspon-
ding command (RD, WD) is set to TRUE.
14.3. STACK_16
Type Function module
Input DIN: DWORD (data input)
E: BOOL (enable input)
RD: BOOL (read command)
WD: BOOL (write command)
RST: BOOL (Reset input)
Output DOUT: DWORD (data output)
EMPTY: BOOL (EMPTY = TRUE means that memory is empty)
FULL: BOOL (FULL = TRUE means: memory is full)
STACK_16 is a stack (STACK) with 16 memory locations for DWORD data.
The two outputs EMPTY and FULL indicate when the memory is full or em-
pty. The RST input clears the entire contents of the memory. The FIFO is
set with DIN, by setting a TRUE to the input WD, and true to the input E. A
read command is executed by TRUE to RD and TRUE to E. Reading and
writing can be performed simultaneously in one cycle. The module reads
or writes in each cycle as long as the corresponding command (RD, WD) is
set to TRUE.
14.4. STACK_32
Type Function module
Input DIN: DWORD (data input)
E: BOOL (enable input)
RD: BOOL (read command)
WD: BOOL (write command)
RST: BOOL (Reset input)
Output DOUT: DWORD (data output)
EMPTY: BOOL (EMPTY = TRUE means that memory is empty)
FULL: BOOL (FULL = TRUE means: memory is full)
STACK_32 is a stack (STACK) with 32 memory locations for DWORD data.
The two outputs EMPTY and FULL indicate when the memory is full or em-
pty. The RST input clears the entire contents of the memory. The FIFO is
set with DIN, by setting a TRUE to the input WD, and true to the input E. A
read command is executed by TRUE to RD and TRUE to E. Reading and
writing can be performed simultaneously in one cycle. The module reads
or writes in each cycle as long as the corresponding command (RD, WD) is
set to TRUE.