Germany SAML Detailed Analysis - RUB-NDS/FutureTrust GitHub Wiki

According to Section 4.1 of (BSI TR-03130-1, 2016)[1], the basis for the SAML profile which is implemented by the eID-Service must be the Web browser Single Sign-On profile. The HTTP Redirect binding shall be implemented.

In the following we show the general structure of AuthnRequest and Response according to Section 4.7 of (BSI TR-03130-1, 2016)[1]. We show only required elements and required attributes. Furthermore we only explain differences to normal SAML messages as specified in (SAML 2.0, 2005)[2].


<AuthnRequest Version="2.0" ID="ID" IssueInstant="Instant" Destination="URL_eID-Service" <!-- ProtocolBinding="urn:oasis:names:tc:
  SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" optional --> <!-- AssertionConsumerServiceURL="URL_eService_Consumer" (optional if default URL is registered at eID-Service) --> ProviderName="Provider"

AuthnRequest contains an Extension element which contains an EncryptedAuthnRequestExtension element.

ProtocolBinding is optional, if it is present it must have the value “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP Redirect”. If it is missing, this value is assumed.

AssertionConsumerServiceURL can be left out, if a default URL for the eService is registered at the eID-Server.


<AuthnRequestExtension Version="2">
    <Attribute Name="attribute" RequiredAttribute="true/false">
    <Attribute Name="attributeN" RequiredAttribute="true/false">

AuthnRequestExtension has an attribute Version with the value “2”, and contains a RequestedAttributes element which contains Attribute elements. The Attribute elements have a Name attribute and an optional RequiredAttribute which signals the eID-Server if the attribute is required or not. The Name attributes only allow specific values, which can be seen in Table 1.

Attribute name Data type used for value in response
DocumentValidity -
DocumentType -
IssuingState -
DateOfExpiry -
GivenNames -
FamilyNames -
ArtisticName -
AcademicTitle -
DateOfBirth -
PlaceOfBirth -
Nationality -
BirthName -
PlaceOfResidence -
ResidencePermitI -
RestrictedID -
AgeVerification eid:AgeVerificationRequestType
PlaceVerification eid:PlaceVerificationRequestType

Table 1: SAML request attributes[1]


<Response Version="2.0" ID="ID" InResponseTo="request_ID" IssueInstant="timestamp" Destination="URL_Destination">
    <StatusCode Value="StatusCode"/>

The Response contains an EncryptedAssertion element.


<Assertion Version="2.0" ID="ID" IssueInstant="timestamp">
    <NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient">random ID</NameID>
    <SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
      <SubjectConfirmationData Address="IP_eID_Client" InResponseTo="ID_request" NotOnOrAfter="timestamp+5min" Recipient="URL_Consumer"/>
  <AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="timestamp_Assertion_Creation">
    <Attribute Name="attribute" AttributeNotOnChip="true/false">
      <AttributeValue xsi:type see List />
    <Attribute Name="attributeN" AttributeNotOnChip="true/false">
      <AttributeValue xsi:type see List />
    <Attribute Name="DocumentValidity">
      <AttributeValue xsi:type="eid:DocumentValidityResultType" Version="1">
        <ReferenceDate>exact Date of Verification</ReferenceDate>

The following rules apply to the elements contained in an Assertion element:

  • The Format attribute of NameID shall be “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient”.
  • The Address attribute of SubjectConfirmationData must contain the IP address of the eID-Client.
  • The NotOnOrAfter attribute must not be longer than 5 minutes after the creation of the assertion.
  • AuthnContextDeclRef must contain “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:SmartcardPKI”.
  • AttributeStatement contains an Attribute element for each requested attribute in the AuthnRequestExtension.
  • Attribute has a Name attribute. It also has an optional AttributeNotOnChip attribute, which defaults to “false” if not present and shows if the reading of an attribute was supported by the eID-Document. Attribute contains an AttributeValue element.
  • AttributeValue contains the value of the requested attribute. The xsi:type is defined according to the Name attribute of the Attribute element.
  • One Attribute element must have the attribute Name=“DocumentValidity”. It contains one AttributeValue element. This element must have an attribute xsi:type="eid:DocumentValidityResultType" and an attribute Version=“1”. It contains one ReferenceDate and one Status element.
  • ReferenceDate must contain the exact date when the eID-Document has been verified.
  • Status must contain the values “valid” or “failed”. Optionally “expired”, “revoked” and “notAuthentic” are possible as well.
Attribute name Data type used for value in response
DocumentValidity eid:DocumentValidityResultType
DocumentType eid:DocumentType
IssuingState eid:ICAOCountry
DateOfExpiry xs:date
GivenNames xs:string
FamilyNames xs:string
ArtisticName xs:string
AcademicTitle xs:string
DateOfBirth eid:GeneralDateType
PlaceOfBirth eid:GeneralPlaceType
Nationality eid:ICAOCountry
BirthName xs:string
PlaceOfResidence eid:GeneralPlaceType
ResidencePermitI xs:string
RestrictedID eid:RestrictedIDType
AgeVerification eid:AgeVerificationResultType
PlaceVerification eid:PlaceVerificationResultType

Table 2: SAML response attributes[1]


1. ^ ^ ^ ^ BSI TR-03130-1. (2016, November 16). Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). eID-Server Part 1: Functional Specification. Technical Guideline 03130-1, Version 2.0.2.
2. ^ SAML 2.0. (2005, March 15). OASIS Standard. Retrieved from Metadata for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0:

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