Germany SAML Detailed Analysis - RUB-NDS/FutureTrust GitHub Wiki
According to Section 4.1 of (BSI TR-03130-1, 2016)[1], the basis for the SAML profile which is implemented by the eID-Service must be the Web browser Single Sign-On profile. The HTTP Redirect binding shall be implemented.
In the following we show the general structure of AuthnRequest and Response according to Section 4.7 of (BSI TR-03130-1, 2016)[1]. We show only required elements and required attributes. Furthermore we only explain differences to normal SAML messages as specified in (SAML 2.0, 2005)[2].
<AuthnRequest Version="2.0" ID="ID" IssueInstant="Instant" Destination="URL_eID-Service" <!-- ProtocolBinding="urn:oasis:names:tc:
SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" optional --> <!-- AssertionConsumerServiceURL="URL_eService_Consumer" (optional if default URL is registered at eID-Service) --> ProviderName="Provider"
AuthnRequest contains an Extension element which contains an EncryptedAuthnRequestExtension element.
ProtocolBinding is optional, if it is present it must have the value “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP Redirect”. If it is missing, this value is assumed.
AssertionConsumerServiceURL can be left out, if a default URL for the eService is registered at the eID-Server.
<AuthnRequestExtension Version="2">
<Attribute Name="attribute" RequiredAttribute="true/false">
<Attribute Name="attributeN" RequiredAttribute="true/false">
AuthnRequestExtension has an attribute Version with the value “2”, and contains a RequestedAttributes element which contains Attribute elements. The Attribute elements have a Name attribute and an optional RequiredAttribute which signals the eID-Server if the attribute is required or not. The Name attributes only allow specific values, which can be seen in Table 1.
Attribute name | Data type used for value in response |
DocumentValidity | - |
DocumentType | - |
IssuingState | - |
DateOfExpiry | - |
GivenNames | - |
FamilyNames | - |
ArtisticName | - |
AcademicTitle | - |
DateOfBirth | - |
PlaceOfBirth | - |
Nationality | - |
BirthName | - |
PlaceOfResidence | - |
ResidencePermitI | - |
RestrictedID | - |
AgeVerification | eid:AgeVerificationRequestType |
PlaceVerification | eid:PlaceVerificationRequestType |
Table 1: SAML request attributes[1]
<Response Version="2.0" ID="ID" InResponseTo="request_ID" IssueInstant="timestamp" Destination="URL_Destination">
<StatusCode Value="StatusCode"/>
The Response contains an EncryptedAssertion element.
<Assertion Version="2.0" ID="ID" IssueInstant="timestamp">
<NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient">random ID</NameID>
<SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
<SubjectConfirmationData Address="IP_eID_Client" InResponseTo="ID_request" NotOnOrAfter="timestamp+5min" Recipient="URL_Consumer"/>
<AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="timestamp_Assertion_Creation">
<Attribute Name="attribute" AttributeNotOnChip="true/false">
<AttributeValue xsi:type see List />
<Attribute Name="attributeN" AttributeNotOnChip="true/false">
<AttributeValue xsi:type see List />
<Attribute Name="DocumentValidity">
<AttributeValue xsi:type="eid:DocumentValidityResultType" Version="1">
<ReferenceDate>exact Date of Verification</ReferenceDate>
The following rules apply to the elements contained in an Assertion element:
- The Format attribute of NameID shall be “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient”.
- The Address attribute of SubjectConfirmationData must contain the IP address of the eID-Client.
- The NotOnOrAfter attribute must not be longer than 5 minutes after the creation of the assertion.
- AuthnContextDeclRef must contain “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:SmartcardPKI”.
- AttributeStatement contains an Attribute element for each requested attribute in the AuthnRequestExtension.
- Attribute has a Name attribute. It also has an optional AttributeNotOnChip attribute, which defaults to “false” if not present and shows if the reading of an attribute was supported by the eID-Document. Attribute contains an AttributeValue element.
- AttributeValue contains the value of the requested attribute. The xsi:type is defined according to the Name attribute of the Attribute element.
- One Attribute element must have the attribute Name=“DocumentValidity”. It contains one AttributeValue element. This element must have an attribute xsi:type="eid:DocumentValidityResultType" and an attribute Version=“1”. It contains one ReferenceDate and one Status element.
- ReferenceDate must contain the exact date when the eID-Document has been verified.
- Status must contain the values “valid” or “failed”. Optionally “expired”, “revoked” and “notAuthentic” are possible as well.
Attribute name | Data type used for value in response |
DocumentValidity | eid:DocumentValidityResultType |
DocumentType | eid:DocumentType |
IssuingState | eid:ICAOCountry |
DateOfExpiry | xs:date |
GivenNames | xs:string |
FamilyNames | xs:string |
ArtisticName | xs:string |
AcademicTitle | xs:string |
DateOfBirth | eid:GeneralDateType |
PlaceOfBirth | eid:GeneralPlaceType |
Nationality | eid:ICAOCountry |
BirthName | xs:string |
PlaceOfResidence | eid:GeneralPlaceType |
ResidencePermitI | xs:string |
RestrictedID | eid:RestrictedIDType |
AgeVerification | eid:AgeVerificationResultType |
PlaceVerification | eid:PlaceVerificationResultType |
Table 2: SAML response attributes[1]
1. ^ ^ ^ ^ BSI TR-03130-1. (2016, November 16). Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). eID-Server Part 1: Functional Specification. Technical Guideline 03130-1, Version 2.0.2.
2. ^ SAML 2.0. (2005, March 15). OASIS Standard. Retrieved from Metadata for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0: