France OpenID Connect Detailed Analysis - RUB-NDS/FutureTrust GitHub Wiki

France Connect strictly follows the OpenID Connect specification and uses only the Code flow for authentication. Since no novel insights or deviations from the normal OpenID Connect flow do exist, the detailed description of the protocol is skipped.

France Connect specifies additional parameters regarding the identity of the user:

Parameter Description
openid Signals the usage of OpenID Connect and forces the generation of the ID Token
gender Gender of the authenticated user
birthdate Birthdate of the authenticated user
birthcountry Country of birth of the authenticated user
birthplace Place of birth of the authenticated user
given_name Given name of the authenticated user
family_name Family name of the authenticated user
email Email address of the authenticated user
preferred_username Freely chosen username of the authenticated user
address Address of the authenticated user
phone Phone number of the authenticated user

Table 1: Parameters used in the France Connect specification

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