OBI Socket 2 - RTurala/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki
OBI Socket 2
New cheap socket from German Hardware Store, based on ESP-WROOM-02 with 2MB Flash. Smaller formfactor as the first OBI Socket. You can use it with the "Generic Modul" modul mode of Tasmota (see the pictures below).
The only way to flashing the modul you must soldering 4 wires to the RX/TX/3V3/GND pins from the ESP. The PCB have no serial pinout connector. For flashing the modul enable the flashmode of the ESP, connect GPIO 0 to GND.
!!! Don't flashing the modul when it connected to the main power. You brick the device and your computer or USB Port. Use only a 3.3V USB Adapter for flashing!!!