OBI Socket 2 - RTurala/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki

OBI Socket 2

New cheap socket from German Hardware Store, based on ESP-WROOM-02 with 2MB Flash. Smaller formfactor as the first OBI Socket. You can use it with the "Generic Modul" modul mode of Tasmota (see the pictures below).

OBI Socket 2

The only way to flashing the modul you must soldering 4 wires to the RX/TX/3V3/GND pins from the ESP. The PCB have no serial pinout connector. For flashing the modul enable the flashmode of the ESP, connect GPIO 0 to GND.

!!! Don't flashing the modul when it connected to the main power. You brick the device and your computer or USB Port. Use only a 3.3V USB Adapter for flashing!!!

PCB serial pinouts


WebIf configuration
