Setting up Kraken Bot - RSKrakenCommunity/CommunityAPI GitHub Wiki

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# Downloads

Download the Kraken Bot from the kraken website.

Download java jre. *note make sure your getting 64 bit java.

Setting up Kraken.

First, you will need to download the files above and have them ready for this guide. Please remember where you saved these files. Go to the directory where you saved your downloads and install Java JRE. Once you have installed JRE, we will launch Kraken.

launch kraken

Once you have logged into your user account, you should see the create session screen.

create session screen

You can skip this part if you have already set your JVM.dll path. Go to File then Settings. You should notice that the second slot is empty.

empty jvm.dll

We are going to fill this in with the jvm.dll location. jvm.dll Should be located at C:\Program Files\Java. Once you have gotten to this directory, you should find the version of JRE you have installed it should read out like "jre1.8.0_321". We will be going into \bin\server to find the jvm.dll. The full path is C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_321\bin\server. Copy the path and paste it into the jvm.dll field. Make sure to add \jvm.dll at the end of the directory. *note make sure your getting 64 bit java. C:\Program Files not C:\Program Files (x86)

jvm.dll placement

Adding accounts.

To add accounts, open up settings and go to the login tab. Input your username and password, select the Heuristics and World you would like to use. Then click the new.

Additional settings explanations.

Additional settings

Settings Description
Group set a default group that you want the account to join, if any.
Username sets your account name.
Password sets your account password.
Break Chance
Break Time sets the amount of Time in minutes you break for.
World sets the world your account will go to.
Random F2P sets your world to a random F2P world.
Random P2P sets your world to a random P2P world.
Use Proxy Enables the use of proxy support.
Proxy IP:
Proxy Port:
Random P2P

Additional settings

Heuristics Description
Fake Clicks Random clicks and moves the mouse with given settings
Randomize World on Login Selects a world at random between F2P, P2P.
Reaction Delay Delay between menu actions
Efficiency Drain Per Minute
Examine Chance Chance to examine surrounding players
Examine Delay Delay in examining surrounding players
Examine Distance The chance that the bot will examine surrounding players
Open Map Chance Chance to open a world map
Open Map Delay Delay in actually opening the world map
Reset Compass Chance Chance to reset the compass to north
Reset Compass Delay Delay when resetting compass to north
Real Mis-Click Chance Chance to misclick in-game
Real Mis-Click Delay Delay when misclick is triggered
Real Mis-Click Distance Distance in which the misclick takes place
Mis-Click While Moving Chance Mis-click while walking
Mis-Click While Moving (R) Chance Chance to misclick to the right while walking
Mis-Click While Moving (L) Chance Chance to misclick to the left while walking
Walk Min inaccuracy Walking inaccuracy prevents clicking the same tiles while walking
Walk Max inaccuracy Walking inaccuracy prevents clicking the same tiles while walking

Creating a session.

To create a session, click the create session button.

Creating a session

On this page, you should see the + symbol. Click it to add a new instanceCreating a session

Click on your account [1] and click create [2].

Creating a session

The loader should now start the client and log in to your account.

Creating a session

Extra settings Description
Auto reload: Auto reloads the client if a crash
Reset Cache: resets the cache on load
Group input box: used to name the group.
Group + symbol: used to add another group.
Select All: used to select all your accounts at once.
  • Client:
    • Installed:
    • Supported:
    • Supported compatibility:

Once ingame press INS to start your plugins and get to the bot settings window.

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