Using ABCD from the command line interface - RSE-Cambridge/abcd GitHub Wiki
ABCD can be used both for one-off commands
$ abcd select [query]
or as its own command interpreter
$ abcd
connected to $DB
(abcd) select [query]
these two modes are broadly equivalent and support the same commands. There are some minor differences - most notably the shell will try to interpret some special characters like >
and <
. To use these in queries entered into the shell they can either be quoted
$ abcd count total_energy \> -100
or replaced with synonyms gt
and lt
$ abcd count total_energy gt -100
In the abcd command interpreter however, these characters are not treated specially so do not need to be quoted
$ abcd
connected to $DB
(abcd) count total_energy > -100
To import and export data from .xyx
files into the data base.
To explore the frames stored in the database.
Data can be inserted into the database with read
$ abcd read
where the reading of the input file is defered to the ase library. Multiple files can be specified and thee shell expansion can be helpful
$ abcd read cool_experiment_1/*.xyz
Data from the database can be output back to file with export
$ abcd export <query>
and the query is used to select the data of interest. See more on the query syntax below.
To count the frames that match a particular query count
can be used.
$ abcd count <query>
or without a query
$ abcd count
will display the total number of frames in the whole database.
In order to select subsets of frames, or to find interesting data, it is useful to see what keys are present in the data set. The keys
$ abcd keys <query>
count key key_type
12000 config_type string
12000 energy number
12000 total_energy number
12000 virial array
shows what keys are present, how many frames in the dataset contain that particular key, and the type of data stored under that key.
To learn more about the distribution of values under a given key, the hist <key>
$ abcd hist config_type <query>
bcc_bulk_54_high 28
bcc_doublevacancy_126_high 78
bcc_monovacancy_127_high 57
dislocation_quadrupole 100
doublevacancy_126_1NN_high 46
doublevacancy_126_2NN_high 48
gamma_surface 18549
can be used. This can currently be used on a string or number key and will show the distribution of values under each key.
Finally, the select <key1> <key2> .. <keyn>
$ abcd select total_energy degauss <query>
[lots of output]
can be used to display a table of values held under each key.
To select subsets of frames, most of the above commands accept a query subcommand. This can be used on string properties
$ abcd count where config_type = \"bcc_bulk_54_high\"
(where note the quoting of the "
characters to avoid mangling by the shell) or on numerical parameters
$ abcd count where total_energy gt -15
On string values we can currently only test for equality. On numerical values, we can test for all the standard numeric conditions, greater than (>
or gt
), less than (<
or lt
), greater than or equal to (>=
or geq
), less than or equal to (<=
or leq
), or also equality. Multiple conditions can be combined with and
and or