Octoprint Deployment - RPIForge/deployment-configs GitHub Wiki

Octorpint Deployment

The deployment of octoprint will be split into two different sections. Server Install and Companion Install. The server install should only be done once before starting the companion install. The companion install will have to be done for each device youd like the companion on

Server Install

The server requires 3 main modules.

  1. openBalena
    • This handles managing the raspiberry pis.
  2. InfluxDB OSS 2.x
    • This handles storing any time based data like temperature
  3. Minio
    • This is a s3 store for storing the file printed

Detailed instructions on how to set this system up on Freenas/Truenas CORE can be found [here](give link)

Companion Install

  1. download the sd card image from the openBalena server and install it on a sizeable sd card.
  2. Configure device environmental variables from the openBalena server.
    • Application wide Environmental Variables
      • SITE_URL
      • INFLUX_URL
      • INFLUX_ORG
      • S3_URL
      • S3_USER
      • S3_KEY
    • Device Environmental Variables
      • INFLUX_KEY
      • SITE_KEY
      • ID