Lighttpd web server with PHP support through Entware - RMerl/ GitHub Wiki

First, setup Entware from github RMerl asuswrt-merlin guide.

Login to router with a terminal like putty and enter the commands below.

Additional the wiki helps with customization of the server.

opkg install lighttpd php5-cgi lighttpd-mod-fastcgi

Choose port 81 as lighttpd server port and fix the uploads directory.

sed -i 's/#server.port                 = 81/server.port                 = 81/g' "/opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"
sed -i "/server.upload-dirs*/cserver.upload-dirs          = ( \"/opt/tmp\" )" "/opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"


# nano /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

and remove the commenting hash (#) prefix from the server.port line, and change the line that starts with server.upload-dirs from /tmp to /opt/tmp.

Create a plain html test page

cat >> /opt/share/www/index.html << EOF
<title>lighttpd default page</title>
<h2>lighttpd server is running.</h2>


# nano /opt/share/www/index.html

and copy and paste the html source code lines from the section above.

Create a php dynamic test page

cat >> /opt/share/www/test.php << EOF

or by using your favourite text editor:

# nano /opt/share/www/test.php

by copying and pasting only the php source code section from above.

Finally start lighttpd

/opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd start

Go to and if you see this page, the lighttpd web server is configured correctly:

lighttpd server is running.

Go to and if you see this page, the php-mod-fastcgi is configured correctly


To access the website from WAN

opkg install nano
nano /jffs/scripts/firewall-start

Paste these lines

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 81 -j ACCEPT

Save with Ctrl+O, Enter, and exit nano with Ctrl+X

Give it firewall file the correct file permissions

chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/firewall-start

Go to Port forwarding page and redirect port 80 to 81, after reboot you should have access from wan.


Youtube video here

Post issues here

Detailed up to date instructions here

^ I could not get the lighttpd php server to work without the directions from this last link ^ would be nice if someone has the time to update this wiki with those directions

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