WooCommerce Database - RMUCapstone-MIS590/Team-A GitHub Wiki

Since WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, it makes use of many of the WordPress tables. Therefore, to understand the structure of WordPress, please see the WordPress Database Description doc.

Note that the posts tables is used by Custom Post Types, and WooCommerce uses those for products, coupons, orders, and webhooks.

WooCommerce also add some of it's own custom tables. These are listed below.

Table Overview

The following tables are installed with WooCommerce. Please note, each table name will be prefixed with your WP Database Table Prefix e.g. wp_.

Table Name Description
woocommerce_sessions Stores customer session data, such as carts.
woocommerce_api_keys Stores API Keys used for the REST API.
woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies Stores global attribute taxonomy names for products.
woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions Stores product access permissions for downloadable products (granted after purchase).
woocommerce_order_items Stores line items which are associated with orders.
woocommerce_order_itemmeta Stores meta data about order line items.
woocommerce_tax_rates Stores tax rates you define in the admin area.
woocommerce_tax_rate_locations Stores locations (postcodes and cities) associated with the above tax rates.
woocommerce_shipping_zones Stores shipping zones you create in the settings area.
woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations Stores locations associated with your shipping zones.
woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods Stores shipping methods linked to your shipping zones.
woocommerce_payment_tokens Stores customer payment tokens (used by gateways).
woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta Stores meta data about payment tokens.

Table Details

Table: woocommerce_sessions

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
session_id bigint(20) Unique auto_increment
session_key char(32) Primary
session_value longtext
session_expiry bigint(20)

Table: woocommerce_api_keys

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
key_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
user_id bigint(20)
description longtext Yes
permissions varchar(10)
consumer_key char(64) consumer_key
consumer_secret char(43) consumer_secret
nonces longtext Yes
truncated_key char(7)
last_access datetime Yes null

Table: woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
attribute_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
attribute_name varchar(200) attribute_name
attribute_label longtext Yes
attribute_type varchar(200)
attribute_orderby varchar(200)
attribute_public int(1) 1

Table: woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
permission_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
download_id varchar(32) download_order_product
product_id bigint(20) download_order_key_product, download_order_product
order_id bigint(20) download_order_key_product, download_order_product 0
order_key varchar(200) download_order_key_product
user_email varchar(200)
user_id bigint(20) Yes
downloads_remaining varchar(9) Yes
access_granted datetime '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
access_expires datetime Yes null
download_count bigint(20) 0

Table: woocommerce_order_items

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
order_item_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
order_item_name longtext
order_item_type varchar(200) ``
order_id bigint(20) order_id

Table: woocommerce_order_itemmeta

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
meta_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
order_item_id bigint(20) order_item_id
meta_key varchar(255) meta_key null
meta_value longtext Yes

Table: woocommerce_tax_rates

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
tax_rate_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
tax_rate_country varchar(200) tax_rate_country ``
tax_rate_state varchar(200) tax_rate_state ``
tax_rate varchar(200) ``
tax_rate_name varchar(200) ``
tax_rate_priority bigint(20) tax_rate_priority ``
tax_rate_compound int(1) 0
tax_rate_shipping int(1) 1
tax_rate_order bigint(20)
tax_rate_class varchar(200) tax_rate_class ``

Table: woocommerce_tax_rate_locations

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
location_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
location_code varchar(255) location_type_code
tax_rate_id bigint(20) tax_rate_id
location_type varchar(40) location_type, location_type_code

Table: woocommerce_shipping_zones

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
zone_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
zone_name varchar(255) ,
zone_order bigint(20) ,

Table: woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
location_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
zone_id bigint(20)
location_code varchar(255) location_type_code
location_type varchar(40) location_type, location_type_code

Table: woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
zone_id bigint(20)
instance_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
method_id varchar(255)
method_order bigint(20)
is_enabled tinyint(1) 1

Table: woocommerce_payment_tokens

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
token_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
gateway_id varchar(255)
token text
user_id bigint(20) user_id 0
type varchar(255)
is_default tinyint(1) 0

Table: woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
meta_id bigint(20) Primary auto_increment
payment_token_id bigint(20) payment_token_id
meta_key varchar(255) Yes meta_key
meta_value longtext Yes

Source File

The database scheme is defined in woocommerce/includes/class-wc-install.php