Customer Data - RMUCapstone-MIS590/Team-A GitHub Wiki

In an effort to unify CLI, API, and WP Admin, new CRUD classes are being implemented to form a new 'data manipulation API'.

Each CRUD class contains a representation of the data in array format which can be used by endpoints. This representation may differ from the actual stored 'meta keys' mainly due to legacy, but should represent the objects more clearly.

This document explains the Customer CRUD class: WC_Customer


Name Type Description Example
id int Customer ID. 1
email string Customer email address. [email protected]
first_name string First name of customer. Justin
last_name string Last name of customer. Shreve
role string User role (customer for normal customers). customer
last_order_id integer ID for the last order placed by the customer. Read only. 517
last_order_date integer Date for the last order placed by the customer. Read only. 1457550095
orders_count integer Total number of orders placed by the customer. Read only. 87
total_spent float Amount of money spent by the customer. Read only. 1080.63
username string Username for account login. justin
password string Password for account login. Write only. ``
date_created integer The date the customer was created. Read only. 1450186657
date_modified integer The date the customer was last updated. Read only. 1457549521
billing_postcode string Billing postcode. Run through wc_format_postcode. 10001
billing_city string Billing city. New York
billing_address string Billing address. 1 Main Street
billing_address_2 string Billing address 2. Apt 3
billing_state string Billing state. NY
billing_country string Billing country. US
shipping_postcode string Shipping postcode. Run through wc_format_postcode. 10001
shipping_city string Shipping city. New York
shipping_address string Shipping address. 1 Main Street
shipping_address_2 string Shipping address 2. Apt 3
shipping_state string Shipping state. NY
shipping_country string Shipping country. US
is_paying_customer boolean Flag saying if this customer has bought something. true
downloadable_products array Downloadable products the customer has access to. Read only. @todo