2. Turn Basics - RMHSProgrammingClub/Bot-Server GitHub Wiki

After the match has begun the server will give each bot a turn to act. The amount of actions you can make are decided by Action Points. Every turn you are given 10 Action Points. Below is a list of all possible actions, the number of Action Points they use, and their description (Note: This is subject to change. Please see constants.rb for more details)

Action Point Cost Description
Move 1 Move the bot -1 - 1 spaces away
Turn Degrees / 20 Turn the bot (-360 - 360)
Shoot 6 Shoot
Place Block 10 Place a block in a -1 - 1 spaces away
Spawn Bot 10 Spawn a bot in front of your flag

The client chooses its action and then sends each one to the server to end its turn.