calc.asm - RLH-2110/gbCalc GitHub Wiki
Table of Contents
Finding the right Routine
The Routines
Common Division Routine
The helpers
This file is what contains all the calculations for the user. We find what routine we need to use, call it, and then that routine does stuff and stores the result in wResult and saved if we got an error in wResultError
Finding the right Routine
Here we just have a jump table that points to all the maths routines we need to execute, They are basically mapped from 0 to 4
dw Math_add, Math_sub, Math_mul, Math_div, Math_mod
This routine converts the numbers into VRAM to a usable format, it saves if the numbers are negative or not,
Resets the output variables, finds and calls the correct maths routine and converts the result into BCD
call setNegatives ; get the variables that show what numbers are negative
call waitStartVBlank ; we need to read vram
call ConvertInputs
xor a,a ; a = 0
ld [wResultError],a ; reset error boolean
call waitStartVBlank ; we need to read vram soon
; get operator
ld hl, screen + operatorI
ld a,[hl]
sub a,tile_add ; + tile is now zero. this can now be used as an index. (ORDER: +-*/%)
; adjust index, since we use dw instead of db
SLA a ; index * 2
; index into table and call subroutine
ld hl,MathOpJumpTable
ld b,0
ld c,a
add hl,bc ; aplly offset
; load de,[hl]
ld e,[hl]
inc hl
ld d,[hl]
; ld hl,de
ld h,d
ld l,e
ld bc,.returnAdress
push bc
jp hl
; we did the math, now we need to display stuff
; prepare number with double dable, so it can be quickly displayed
call prepareResult
call adjutsBCD
ld a,$ff
ld [wPrintResult],a ; tells the main to print the result
The Routines
Here is the addition routine the part that does the adding is quite small, since most of the routine is dedicated to overflow detection
; uses: A, BC, HL
; output: wResult, wResultError
; load number 0 into hl (little endian)
ld a, [wNumber0+1]
ld h, a
ld a, [wNumber0]
ld l, a
; load number 1 into bc (little endian)
ld a, [wNumber1+1]
ld b, a
ld a, [wNumber1]
ld c, a
add HL,BC ; add them
Here is the overflow detection.
If an overflow occurs, and both numbers are positive, then we go to the error code.
If it's not positive, we look up the combination of the signs and continue based on that.
; overflow between numbers with the same signs will be treated as an error.
;check if numbers have the same sign
ld a,[wNumber0+1]
and a, %1000_0000 ; only get the sign
ld b,a
ld a,[wNumber1+1]
and a, %1000_0000 ; only get the sign
cp a,b ; same sign?
jr nz,.done ; if different sign, jump over error code
;same sign found!
or a,a ; set flags based on a
jr z, .ppp
.mpm: ; - + -
ld a,h ;
and a,%1000_0000 ; only select the sign
jr nz,.done ; if there is a sign, skip
jr .err
.ppp: ; + + +
ld a,h ;
and a,%1000_0000 ; only select the sign
jr z,.done ; if there is no sign, skip
ld a,$ff
ld [wResultError],a
; store result into wResult (little endian)
ld a,h
ld [wResult+1],a
ld a,l
ld [wResult],a
The sub routine similar to the addition routine.
There is no 16 bit subtraction, so we have done it in pairs of 8 bit.
Most of the routine is still overflow detection.
; uses: A, BC, HL
; output: wResult, wResultError
; load number 0 into BA (little endian)
ld a, [wNumber0+1]
ld b, a
ld a, [wNumber0]
; load address of number 1 into HL
ld hl,wNumber1
sub a,[HL] ; substract the lower byte of number 1 from number 0
ld c,a ; store the result in c
ld a,b ; load upper byte of number 0
inc hl ; address of upper byte of number 1
sbc a,[hl] ; subscract with carry
ld h,a
; overflow between numbers with the same signs will be treated as an error.
;check if there is an even amount of '-' (meaning we are adding)
ld b,1 ; counter for '-' (we are in the sub subroutine, so we already have 1 minus)
;if number0 = -
ld a,[wNumber0Negative]
or a,a ; reset flags
jr z,.skip1 ; positive
inc b
;if number1 = -
ld a,[wNumber1Negative]
or a,a ; reset flags
jr z,.skip2 ; positive
inc b
ld a,b
cp a,2
jr nz,.done ; if uneven amount of '-', jump over error code
;even amount of minus!
; get scenario
;if number0 = +, then jump to pmm
ld a,[wNumber0Negative]
or a,a ; reset flags
jr z,.pmm
; - - +
ld a,h
and a,%1000_0000 ; only select the sign
jr nz,.done ; if there is no sign, skip
jr .err
; + + -
ld a,h
and a,%1000_0000 ; only select the sign
jr z,.done ; if there is a sign, skip
ld a,$ff
ld [wResultError],a
; store result into wResult (little endian)
ld a,h ; load the result we stored for the upper byte
ld [wResult+1],a
ld a,c ; load the result we stored for the lower byte
ld [wResult],a
The multiplication routine is unique, since part of it is loaded in ram at startup
First, we see what number is bigger and move that to the right side, because it reduced the amount of additions we have to make.
; see what number is bigger
ld a,[wNumber0+1]
ld b,a
ld a,[wNumber1+1]
cp a,b
jr c, .swap ; num0 is bigger than num1
jr nz,.noSwap ; number 1 is bigger than number 0 AND we dont need to check the least significant byte
; compare least significant byte
ld a,[wNumber0]
ld b,a
ld a,[wNumber1]
cp a,b
jr nc, .noSwap ; num1 is bigger than num0
; store number 1 in HL
ld a,[wNumber1+1]
ld h,a
ld a, [wNumber1]
ld l,a
;store number 0 in BC
ld a,[wNumber0+1]
ld b,a
ld a, [wNumber0]
ld c,a
jr .done
; store number 0 in HL
ld a,[wNumber0+1]
ld h,a
ld a, [wNumber0]
ld l,a
;store number 1 in BC
ld a,[wNumber1+1]
ld b,a
ld a, [wNumber1]
ld c,a
; hl holds the smaller number
; bc holds the bigger number
Here is the fun part, finding out what "mode" of bounds checking we need and overwriting the copy of the multiplication routine in memory.
; set up bounds checking
ld d,0 ; counter for negative numbers
;if number0 = -
ld a,[wNumber0Negative]
or a,a ; reset flags
jr z,.skip1 ; positive
inc d
;if number1 = -
ld a,[wNumber1Negative]
or a,a ; reset flags
jr z,.skip2 ; positive
inc d
ld a,d ; get the counter
or a,a ; set flags for a
jr z,.normalBounds ; if counter == 0, normal bounds
cp a,2
jr z,.makeNumsPositive ; if counter == 2, make numbers positive, normal bounds
; negative bounds
ld a, %001_01_000 ; opcode: jr z,
ld [Math_mul_loop_ram + .boundChek - Math_mul.loop],a ; replace opcode in the bounds check
jr .zeroCheck
ld a, %001_00_000; opcode: jr nz,
ld [Math_mul_loop_ram + .boundChek - Math_mul.loop],a ; replace opcode in the bounds check
jr .zeroCheck
Now we do some other setup, like making sure both numbers are positive (we set the sign later based on the sign combination we got at the start)
we also check for 0, because then we already know the result.
; invert hl
ld a,l
xor a,$ff
inc a
ld l,a
jr z,.incH ; jmp carry, but INC A does not set carry, so we check for Z
ld a,h
xor a,$ff
ld h,a
jr .invBC
ld a,h
xor a,$ff
inc a
ld h,a
; invert BC
call negateBC
jr .normalBounds
; if HL != 0, then calculate
ld a,l
or a,a ; set flags
jr nz,.do
ld a,h
or a,a ; set flags
jp nz,.do
jr .save ; hl is zero, we are done with the multiplication before we even calculate
Here is some setup.
We call loop_doubleBC_halfHL to reduce the amount of loops we have to do,
we set up a counter in DE, where e is inverted because the DEC operation does set the carry flag, so we have to detect overflows with the zero flag
call loop_doubleBC_halfHL ; minimize HL, maximize BC, without changing the outcome of the multiplication.
; de = counter for loop (e is inverted, since I cant detect it when e overflows with a dec)
; for e FF = 00 and 00 = FF
ld d,h
ld e,l
ld a,e
xor a,$ff ;invert
ld e,a
; set hl to 0 (will contain result later)
ld h,0
ld l,0
; multiply by adding
jp Math_mul_loop_ram ; reroute to ram, so self modifying code can work
This code is what gets copied into ram on startup, and it just adds the numbers and decreases and checks the counter.
add hl,bc ; 16 bit add
;bounds checks here
ld a,h
and a,%1000_0000 ; get sign
.boundChek: ; label for self modifiying code
jr nz,.err
;decrement counter
inc e
jr nz, .noCarry
dec d
ld a,$00 ; value to compare against
; if de != 00ff, then contine the loop
cp a,d
jr nz,Math_mul.loop
ld a,$FF ; for e FF = 00
cp a,e
jr nz,Math_mul.loop
; meaning, if d overflows, we know that we need to break out of the loop
And here is the end where we save the result, or save an error
; store result into wResult (little endian)
ld a,h
ld [wResult+1],a
ld a,l
ld [wResult],a
ld a,$ff
ld [wResultError],a
The common div routine does the heavy work and this routine just moves the output around
call Common_div
; store result into wResult (little endian)
ldh a,[wCounter+1]
ld [wResult+1],a
ldh a,[wCounter]
ld [wResult],a
The common div routine does the heavy work and this routine just moves the output around
call Common_div
; store result into wResult (little endian)
ld a,h
ld [wResult+1],a
ld a,l
ld [wResult],a
Common Division Routine
This is the common division routine, that works out the result and the remainder of a division.
We start with the setup and returning early if one of the numbers is zero.
; a general div routine
; AF, HL, BC, DE, wCounter, wTmpNumber
; wCounter = result
; HL = remainder
; wCounter will store the result
xor a,a
ldh [wCounter],a
ldh [wCounter+1],a
; load first number into hl
ld a,[wNumber0+1]
ld h,a
ld a,[wNumber0]
ld l,a
;see if number 1 is bigger than number 0
;load second number into DE (tmp)
ld a,[wNumber1]
ld e,a
ld a,[wNumber1+1]
ld d,a
; if number 1 > number0
; like cp h,d
ld a,h
cp a,d
jr c, .notNormal
jr nz, .normal
; like cp l,e
ld a,l
cp a,e
jr nc, .normal
; number1 > number0!
;result was already initalized to 0
;remainder is already initalized to number0
ret ; we got our values now
; see if number 1 is 0
ld a,d
or a,a ; set flags
jr nz,.notZero
ld a,e
or a,a ; set flags
jr nz,.notZero
; number1 is zero!
;set error
ld a,$ff
ld [wResultError],a
;load second number into wTmpNumber
ld a,[wNumber1]
ldh [wTmpNumber],a
ld a,[wNumber1+1]
ldh [wTmpNumber+1],a
; HL is number0 wTmpNumber is number1
Here we just get the dividend, call .findBigestSub and apply the results.
;load second number into bc
ldh a,[wTmpNumber]
ld c,a
ldh a,[wTmpNumber+1]
ld b,a
ld de,1 ; counter for how much fits into HL
call .findBigestSub
; apply
call negateBC ; invert it (there is no 16 but sub, so we do an add with the invese number)
add hl,bc
; add wCounter,de
ldh a,[wCounter]
add a,e
ldh [wCounter],a
ldh a,[wCounter+1]
jr nc, .skipCarry ; if add a,e had no carry
; we had a carry
inc d
;upper half
add a,d
ldh [wCounter+1],a
jr .evaluateLoopExit ; compares and jumps if HL is bigger or equal to wTmpNumber
Here we just see if we continue or exit the loop. We see if the current dividend is bigger or equal to the divisor, if it's not, we are done.
; compares and jumps if HL is bigger or equal to wTmpNumber
; like cp h,[wTmpNumber+1]
ldh a,[wTmpNumber+1]
ld d,a
ld a,h
cp a,d
jr c, .done
jr nz, .loop
; now H == D
; like cp l,[wTmpNumber]
ldh a,[wTmpNumber]
ld e,a
ld a,l
cp a,e
jr nc, .loop
; exit loop
jr .done
The helpers
This routine finds out the biggest number that fits into the dividend by multiplying the divisor by 2
It also saves how much that new number fits into the dividend
; finds biggest substraction we can do for the divide
;HL : number that we divide from
;BC : how much to divide by
;DE : how much we add to the result
; wNumber1Negative
;BC : how much to substract
;DE : how much we add to the result
; HL, BC, DE, AF, wTmpByte
First, we back up the sign of number 1
; sign of wNumber1 a
ld a,[wNumber1Negative]
ldh [wTmpByte],a
; z = positive ; nz = negative
Then we back up the current number we have, then we multiply it by 2 and save that too.
push bc
; shift bc left
sla c
rl b
push bc
Now we get the sign of the new number and compare it with the sign of number1
if the sign saved, we go to cleanUp2 and restore the old number before the sign changed
; get sign of b, and store it in b
ld a,b
and a, %1000_0000
ld b, a
; if the sign changed, we got to far!
ldh a,[wTmpByte]
cp a,b
jr nz, .cleanUp2 ; escape loop
pop bc
Now we check if the new number is still smaller than the dividend. If it's not, we restore the old number and exit
;check if BC is still smaller than HL
; like cp h,b
ld a,h
cp a,b
jr c, .cleanUp
jr nz, .skip ; bc is definatly smaller, so we dont need the next check
; like cp l,c
ld a,l
cp a,c
jr c, .cleanUp
If everything is fine, we discard the backup of the number from before we applied the multiplication.
We also keep track of how often the new number fits into the dividend, we can just do that with a shift operation!
; bc is a correct value, so we dont need the backup anymore
inc sp
inc sp
; we multiplied bc by 2, now we do the same with the counter
; shift de left
sla e
rl d
jr .FBC_loop
Here is the clean-up.
The clean-up gets the value before we applied the multiplication by 2.
there is a cleanUp2, because when we check the sign, the backup value is deeper in the stack.
pop bc
pop bc
This routine just doubles BC and halves HL, as long as HL is divisible by 2
; if HL can be halfed without losing a set bit, then half HL and double BC
; repet the comment above until hl can not be halved
; used HL and BC
push af
; hl is 0, dont go into the loop
jr .done
ld a,l
and a,1
jr nz, .done ; HL can not be halved
; half hl
srl h
rr l
; double bc
sla c
rl b
jr .loop
pop af