Scripts - RLBot/RLBot GitHub Wiki

Sometimes it can be useful to have access to game values, debug rendering or state setting while not being a bot playing within the match. The framework has an easy solution for that - scripts.

Scripts are very similiar to normal bots. They need a config file and a python executable. The config file can be loaded by RLBotGUI like a normal bot - to enable it, just click the checkbox next to its name. The script will be automatically started and terminated by the framework.

Enabled script in RLBotGUI

Example config:

script_file = ./
name = My Script

description = Example script
language = python


import time

from rlbot.agents.base_script import BaseScript
from rlbot.utils.game_state_util import GameState

# Extending the BaseScript class is purely optional. It's just convenient / abstracts you away from
# some strange classes like GameInterface
class MyScript(BaseScript):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("My Script")

    def run(self):
        # state setting
        self.set_game_state(GameState(console_commands=["Stat FPS"]))

        while True:

            # updating packet
            packet = self.get_game_tick_packet()

            # rendering
            color = self.renderer.white()
            text = f"seconds_elapsed : {packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed}"
            self.game_interface.renderer.draw_string_2d(20, 200, 2, 2, text, color)

# You can use this __name__ == '__main__' thing to ensure that the script doesn't start accidentally if you
# merely reference its module from somewhere
if __name__ == "__main__":
    script = MyScript()

This script will render some text on the screen every 0.5 seconds.

If you want your loop to be run every tick, you might want to use a blocking call instead of time.sleep like this:

while True:
   packet = self.wait_game_tick_packet()

For all available methods in the BaseScript class and their descriptions, see its implementation here.

Another fully functional script example