Remote RLBot - RLBot/RLBot GitHub Wiki

There are some situations where it's nice to have bot logic running on a different computer than Rocket League. For example, you could be in a classroom setting where one computer runs Rocket League, and multiple students are programming bots with low powered / unsupported laptops. This system makes it possible.

This is currently NOT recommended for use outside of a LAN environment, since no latency compensation has been attempted.


The rlbot.cfg file (found in the example bot repositories) now supports networking_role and network_address settings.

Client Computers

[RLBot Configuration]
networking_role = remote_rlbot_client
network_address =

[Match Configuration]
existing_match_behavior = Continue And Spawn

Replace with the address given by the person hosting Rocket League. The Continue And Spawn setting will allow multiple people to connect to the same match, rather than causing it to restart.

Host Computer

[RLBot Configuration]
networking_role = remote_rlbot_server

In addition to the above config, make sure your firewall allows inbound TCP connections on port 34990.


Edit Diagram