Frequently Asked Questions - RFExplorer/RFExplorer-IoT-for-Arduino GitHub Wiki

Why you are using global object RFExplorer_3GP_IoT g_objRF?

This object encapsulates all the 3G+ IoT functionality and, by using different contained classes and properties, allows simple configuration and operation of the RF IoT shield.

It has to be global so the configuration performed in setup() is kept in loop() operation.

Is the Arduino UART0 available?

The Arduino UART0 in Arduino Due is available for general use, if the SW1 switch is selected to UART3. In this case, the UART3 is used for communication with the IoT shield, so UART0 is free for programming or general debug report.

The Arduino UART0 is not available in Seeeduino or other small form factor Arduinos. This is because the UART0 is used by the IoT shield, and therefore you may need a separated UART-USB serial cable to get debug report to your computer.

How do I print strings in the Arduino Serial Monitor?

Always use the g_objRF.getMonitorSerial().print() function so the RF Explorer 3G+ IoT library resolves for you whether UART0/UART3/External UART-USB cable is being used. Do not use Serial.print() in your sketch or may introduce compatibility problems.